The Triforce- Zelda's POV

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"Please- spare some change for peace in Hyrule." An old man held out a wooden box with a slit on top for rupees. I looked at Link, he nodded. I put in a blue rupee and smiled kindly at the man. "Beautiful women like you deserve a fine man." The man nodded towards Link. "If you wish to have your fortune told, go to the fortune teller on Castle Town South Road. She has told me many things, all have come true."

I thanked the man, blushing. Ganondorf was already a few blocks ahead of us, so we followed him. A few Gorons held out hot spring water, saying: "It will help cure any ailments! Buy hot spring water, fresh from Death Mountain!"

Ganondorf didn't even flinch when the Gorons mentioned their home, so I felt like there was still hope. I wanted to go get food, but Link had other ideas. "We need to find jobs, right? So let's go job hunting and then we'll shop and find a place to stay."

"Ugh. Don't make everything a bummer, Link. How 'bout we split up and meet up in an hour?" I said to him. He shook his head, "Why? Where would that get us?"

"Well, for starters, you could go job hunting, and me and Ganondorf would go to the fortune teller." I improvised. Ganondorf scowled, "no way. I'll go to the tavern and try to see if anyone needs help there."

Link put his hand on Ganondorf's shoulder. "Go with Zelda. Please, Ganondorf, just for now."

"Fine." Ganondorf growled, "But I'm not happy about it."

A few minutes later, Ganondorf and I were on Castle Town South Road. We passed a man looking through the window of a place called "Agitha's Castle."

"Creeper." Muttered Ganondorf under his breath. The man heard and turned towards him. "Ha. Ha. Very funny, young man. I'm just looking at Agitha and marveling at how a girl likes bugs! If you have any bugs for her... Bug ball... Just go inside and she'll pay you quite heavily! I gave her one and she paid me fifty rupees!"

Ganondorf and I looked at each other in amazement. Fifty rupees, for one bug! 

Link had been collecting a few bugs most of the trip, maybe he'd have some that she'd like!

Ganondorf touched my shoulder. "Let's get going, Zelda." 

I nodded and followed him to a door that was heavily decorated with drapes. I looked at it suspiciously. "Should we knock?"

"Cooome in chiiiild." a voice said. 

I yelped and looked at Ganondorf. He shrugged and opened the door. Inside, a woman sat behind a large crystal ball.

She smiled warmly and gestured me forward. "Sit doooown, chiiiild."

I looked at Ganondorf, who shrugged again and sat in the corner. The woman hissed. "Out! Out! Yoooung man, an eeeevil aaaaura puuulses from your bodyyyy disruptingggg the saaacred currents! Oooout! Oooout!"

Ganondorf sighed, annoyed. "I'm really starting to get bored of everyone thinking I'm evil." Nonetheless, he got up and went outside.

The woman glared at the door for a few moments, then turned towards me, smiling.

"Whaaaat will it beeeee? Caaaareer? Or loooove?" She wiggled her eyebrows suggestively, then waited. I realized it was my turn to speak. "Um. I guess... Career please." 

"Ten rupeeeees pleeeaaseee my daaaaarlinggg." She drawled. I fished through my purse and finally recovered a yellow rupee. She snatched it out of my hands and threw it behind her. "Thaaaank youuuu my daaarlinggg."

"Why do you speak like that?" I asked her. She just gave me a look. "Doon't questionnn meeee chiiild..."

Suddenly, she let out a cry and started staring at her crystal ball. Her red eyes were wide. "Chiiild! Whooo was that boooyyy just nooow? The ooonee who I aaasked to leeeave?"

"Um. His name's Ganondorf." I muttered. 

"Whhhaaat's thaat chiild? Whhhaaat did you saaay?" The woman persisted. 

"His name's Ganondorf!" I shouted. "Why do you need to know? He's just confused! He isn't bad at al! Why can't people understand that??"

The woman was still staring at the crystal ball. "Doo not goooo to deeaath Mouuutainnn, teeerrible thiiings awaiiiit you theeeree."

"We know!" I cried. "Several people have told us that already! But why? We know Ganondorf's evil master is there, but we were already there several weeks ago and there was nothing that was weird! Only a minor explosion!"

"Yoouu neeed not aaassk queestionssss daaaaarrlinnngggg, theeee anwsweeers will cooome to yooouuu sooon." She said. "Yoooou must staaaay in caaastleee tooown for oonnee yeeeaarr, untiilll  all of yoooouuu arrrrree sixteeeeen."

I stared at her. "Okay. So what? Why?"

She rolled her eyes. "Darling, I can't predict much after that." She went back to her drawl. "Noooowww, wouuuld you liiike to leeearrrn about looove? Or wiiiil you leeavveee poor Maaadame Fannaaaaadi with only teeeen rupeees in her haaaaand?"

"Fine." I threw two blue rupees onto her table. She snatched them up eagerly and turned to her crystal ball. After about a minute of mindless giberish, she said: "Yoooourr trueeee looove awaaaaits yooouuuu at the cityyy squaaaaare. Heee will be baaaaathed in gooooolden liiiiiigggghhht!"

Oh goddesses. Seriously? I sighed and got up. "Yeah, well, thanks Madame Fanadi. You were a real help."

I marched out of the shop angrily, hoping that Ganondorf was waiting by the shop as well. Thankfully, he was.

"How was it?" He asked. "DId you get answers?"

I snorted and mimicked Madame Fanadi's voice. "Dooon't gooooooooooo to Deeaaaaatthhh Mounnnntain or yoooooou will diiiiieee! Youuuuu must staaaaayy in Caaastleee Towwwwwn for one yeeearrr until everrrryyyone haaas turned siiiiixteeeen!"

Ganondorf stared at me. "Stay in Castle Town for one year? She's out of her mind!"

"Noooo I'm not!" Came a voice from within the shop.

"She has ears like a dog." I whispered, grinning. Ganondorf smirked and started off towards the center of Castle Town.

I loved the center of Castle Town. There were singers, and musicians that played on one side, and people with baskets of who-knows-what bustling back and forth between streets. But my all time favorite part was the fountain, which always seemed to shimmer.

And that's where Link sat, looking up at the sun. He seemed to be bathed in the golden light of the sun rays.

Well. Madame Fanadi was right.

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