The Triforce-Zelda POV

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Sometimes you have a feeling when something's wrong. Sometimes it's just that, a feeling. But this was not one of those times. I was sure.

"AHHHHHH!" a voice bounced off the run down buildings of Kakariko. I turned around suddenly, surprised. "Where's Link?" I asked, a terrified thought occuring to me. Luda turned to face me. "He went up to the hot spring on the hotel." I was out of there before she finished the sentence.

The air in the hotel was different, it was stagnant. A mouse scuttled out of my way as I flew up the stairs. The steam from the hot spring made my face damp, I wiped the water off.

I saw an outline of a person, but I didn't know who. There seemed to be two people, but one was hunched over. "Link?" I coughed, "Ganondorf?"

No answer. I slowly walked closer, coughing, I called out again. "Link? Are you there?" Cough cough, why was I coughing? Was it the steam?

What in the goddesses names was going on here? "Come on guys, I'm sorry for getting mad at you Link but you don't have to give me the silent treatment!" Wow I'm a hypocrite. "Ganondorf, did he start you on-"

Someone laughed, startling me. "No, don't call me that Zelda. I'm not Ganondorf."


"Okay seriously? It's not funny anymore guys. Link, help me out here! This is silly!" I cried, throwing my hands up in the damp air.

"Ugh. This steam isn't making anything easier for you, is it Zelda?" Ganondorf's voice haunted me. "I think I shall clear your mind." Suddenly, the steam was gone, and I saw the set before me.

Ganondorf- or whatever he was- was sitting with his back to me, lounging in the spring. While Link had his head slumped on his shoulder, barely breathing. 

"LINK!" I screamed, about to run forward. But something stopped me.

"He can't be awakened now pretty little princess," taunted Ganondorf's voice, "you are such a petty little thing, aren't you? Sadly, I can't destroy you now, all I can do is destroy him." He pointed to Link,

"In a few minutes he will be gone to the point of no return," Ganondorf laughed, "all you have to do to save him is guess my name." Ganondorf turned around and smiled at me, I jumped back, his eyes were bright red.

"Link was too... Sure of himself. He guessed the wrong name. Of course, you will guess right, hmm my dear?" This was too much, seeing such an evil demon in Ganondorf's body. I needed to do something.

"You're not Ganondorf, I can tell that already." I trilled, "you're not... Dorf... Because that's a silly name."

Why did I think of Dorf? What kind of name is that? Wait... Was I remembering something from a past life? No, I couldn't be... It's just so real... What was I thinking??

"One minute left petty princess." smiled Ganondorf.

What was his name?! I couldn't tell! What was going on? Why am I remembering so much? This is so crazy! Oh goddesses help me!

"Thirty seconds princess."

Why was he calling me that?? So many thoughts, so little time!! I swivled my head to look at Link, his eyes were fluttering, as if he was dreaming. Oh Link!

"Ten seconds."

NO! I NEEDED MORE TIME! I started crying, why was this all so hard?! I should know this! It's so easy!

"Five seconds."

What was I going to do? Wait a second... Ganondorf... Dorf...


"One! What's your answer?"

I smiled at him. "It's easy-Ganon."

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