The Triforce- Ending (Multiple POV's)

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I have saved this song the whole time I have been writing this book. It was the perfect song for the chapter, so please play it while you read it! Thanks to everyone who has voted, commented and said great things about this book. Soon there will be a green check by its name :')

Ganondorf's POV

The last time I had control of what I was seeing, was when I saw Zelda fall into the lava.

I knew the last thing I wanted to see before I was consumed by this... Monster, was my actual friends. People who hadn't left my side since the beginning of the quest, even if I had been such a bad person to get involved with these goddesses.

But seeing someone die, isn't exactly what I had in mind. Especially the girl I had been in love with since I was five. 

Sure, back then it was only a crush, but that doesn't mean it didn't grow into something more. And as much as I wanted to kiss her, that one time at the campfire was not real. And she... She loves Link. So when he saw her, she cursed herself and me for being so damn stupid.

Ganon's voice interuppted me. "Hurry up, servant. It is time."

I wiped my tears away and turned to him. "Your plan won't work, the Triforce of Wisdom just fell into the lava." 

Ganon's face turned red with anger. "WHAT?" He bellowed. The yell shook the cave we were in. He turned towards me and shook my shoulders. "You lie boy! She is fine! If she had died, you would be dead as well!"

What? That doesn't make any sense!

Ganon laughed and strode over to the other side of the cave and turned towards me. "It is time, prepare to become one with me, forever."

"No... Please... I can't! Please!" I begged. He can't go through with this! 

"Oh, but you must, my little slave." He grabbed my hand and the Triforce of Power on my hand lit up and started burning.

"Stop!" I cried. "Please, just stop!"

Ganon laughed. "There's no stopping me now, boy!" He started crushing my hand. I screamed, but my scream was drowned out by his bellow of laughter that shook the whole volcano.

Before I blacked out, the last thing I heard was Zelda cry.

Link POV

I barked and growled, hoping to intimidate Ganon/dorf, but nothing could stop him. The pig thing stood up on its hind legs and produced two swords out of thin air. He swung at me, but I dodged easily. He was powerful, but clumsy at the same time. 

His big size could be his weakness, and his advantage as well.

I snapped at him, but he just grinned. If pigs could grin... 

I ran towards him, hoping to find a weakness to snap at. Any time now Navi.

Her voice invaded my thoughts. "I-I can't find his weakness, I'm sorry Link!"

So I was running blind into a fight. 

Just as I got close enough to snap at him, he just slammed me into the wall. Again! My eyesight was getting blurry. All I could see were three shapes... It was the three companions that have been with me the whole journey. Fi, Navi, and Midna.

"Don't leave Zelda Link! Get up and face him!" Midna cried. Suddenly, I realized I wasn't in my wolf form anymore. I tried to get up, but my muscles screamed in agony and I slumped back down.

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