The Triforce- Zelda POV

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"I'm not going in there." I said stubbornly, "It looks too scary."

Link groaned and pushed Epona forward, "Zelda, it's not that scary." I shivered. "Well, can we at least camp out here and go in the morning?" 

Link shook his head, "Zelda-"

Ganondorf stopped him, "No, I think it's a good idea to camp out, Zelda's right." Link stared at him, surprised, "but-"

"No buts, we're camping out." I said firmly. Link put his face in his hands. "Kokiri forest isn't that scary Zelda! It doesn't go on for as long as Faron woods!" 

"We're camping out." I repeated. Link looked defeated.

Ganondorf smirked, "I'll unpack our supplies, how 'bout you go get some wood, Link?"

Link started to protest, but I nodded. "Yeah, that's a good idea, I'll feed the horses."

Link sighed, shook his head, and walked into the forest, leaving me alone with Ganondorf.

I took some grains out of my bag and held them out to Epona and the two other horses. But before I could reach for the water, Ganondorf put a hand on my shoulder, "We need to talk, Zelda."

I got a major uh oh feeling in my stomach, but pushed it away and sat on the ground opposite of Ganondorf. "What is it?"

"You need to stop keeping your feelings in." Ganondorf smiled. 

"I have no idea what your talking about, Ganondorf." I growled. "Now if you'll excuse me, the horses are thristy." I started getting up but Ganondorf pulled me back down. "Link isn't the right one for you. I see you staring into my eyes. I know that you like me. You'll be happy to know those feelings are mutual." He grinned, took my hand, and kissed it.

"What are you doing?" I asked, scared to death. "I'm showing you I'm worthy of you," he kissed it again. I pulled away. "Stop that! I don't like you in that way Ganondorf! You're being silly! Now get away from me before I call Link!"

Ganondorf snorted, "It's all about Link isn't it? You love him don't you? Fine, but before you go and make a move on him, I need to do this." With that he grabbed my face and crashed his lips onto mine.

"Zelda-what are you doing?" I pushed myself away from Ganondorf and saw Link standing over by the start of the forest. As I watched, the wood he gathered fell onto the ground.

"Link, no, it's not what you think!" I stumbled over to him. He stepped back. "Are you sure? Because I think I just saw you kissing Ganondorf."

"I didn't kiss Ganondorf, Ganondorf kissed me!" I put my hand out to him, "You have to believe me, Link."

"Do I? Do I Zelda?" He growled at me and stepped back into the forest. "By the way, I'm going to go get more wood, maybe I won't come back."

"Link, wait!" I called after him. "Link please!" and despite the cold dark forest ahead of me, I ignored Ganondorf's calls and ran in after Link.

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It took a while, but after a few minutes of trudging through the underbrush, I came upon a tunnel made of... Wood? "Link... Are you in there?" I yelled inside. There was no answer, so I ran into the tunnel and hoped for the best.   It was very long. It took me longer than expected to find the light at the end. I emerged into a village. A little boy no older than ten turned and looked at me, "You're not from here, are you?" He murmured and touched my magenta dress.

I stepped back, "No, I'm not. Did you see a boy about my age run through here?"   He nodded and looked at me some more. "Yes, but he looked like one of us. A Kokiri."

  "A what now?" I asked, surprised. The boy just glared at me. "A Kokiri, a child of the forest." he looked at me and laughed, "he didn't have a fairy though!" I took notice of the flying orb of light to the right of him.

"Just tell me where he went!" I grumbled, the little Kokiri smiled and pointed to a house at the far end of the village. "Over there, to talk to his girlfriend, Saria!" GIrlfriend?

"Ookay then." I muttered dejectively. "Thanks for the tip, kid," then I started towards the house. Many little Kokiri children looked up at me as I passed by, one winked, which scared me a little.

When I finally reached the cottage, I put my ear to the door and listened. "Saria, you've got to help me. My friends- sorry, aquaintences- and I are stuck on a quest to save Hyrule. But really, we've got no idea what to do!"

It was Link. And I'm sorry, but an aquaintence? Sure, I haven't known you since you could barely talk. Naw, I don't have a special connection with you. You're just an aquaintence. "You will find a way." Murmured another voice. "Do not worry. And if I may ask, who are these... Other aquaintences?"   

"Um. Zelda and Ganondorf." Link stammered, I heard Saria gasp. "You left Zelda alone with Ganondorf! What were you thinking?"

"Wait, I'm sorry, is there something I'm missing here?" Link grumbled, "Yes! But I will not elaborate right now, we have to go find Zelda!" There was a scrambling inside the cottage and the door opened so suddenly that I only had time to jump back and look pathetic.

"Zelda?" Link yelled, "You're okay!" Then his face turned angry. "That's great. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to visit the house of the Know-It-All-Brothers." He stormed away mumbling to himself.

A girl with green hair and a green tunic came out after him. "You did something to anger him. What was it?" I shook my head. "I didn't do anything. When Link left to get wood for the fire at our camp, Ganondorf kissed me!"  

The girl, Saria, made a face. "That's incredibly gross, considering what will happen in the next age." I frowned at her. "What are you talking about?" She just waved me away. "You'll figure it out later, I'm sure."  

"Where did Link go?" I asked her, a little miffed. "He went to the house of the Know-It-All-Brothers. RIght over there." She pointed to the house in the direction where Link went. "Good luck, when he's mad, he stays mad."  

"I've known him since he was small Saria, I know what he's like." I muttered under my breath. She just grinned. "Okay, sorry! Good luck!"

When I came to the house of the Know-It-All-Brothers, I knocked on the door, "It's her, don't open it." It was Link. My face flamed in anger. "That's not fair! You won't hear me out! You're so... So... Stubborn!"

Link opened the door, his face was hurt, "Zelda, did you really expect me to listen to you after what you did?" I shook my head. "It just doesn't seem right! Ganondorf kissed me, he didn't give me a choice!"   Link smiled hestintantly. "I believe you I guess. But... Why? Why did he?" 

"He's jealous I guess," I winked at him. "Hopefully he won't try it again." Link nodded and put his arms around me. "Are you ready to get back to the camp?"

I nodded, a little distracted by his arm around me, "Hopefully Ganondorf didn't trash the place."

We walked through Kokiri and ignored the staring faces of the children of the forest. When we came out the other side of the tunnel, Link froze, as if he was listening.  

"Z, do you hear that? I think it's... Monsters!" He took off running towards the camp. I stumbled after him.  

When we burst through the forest, we saw that the camp was under attack.        

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