The Triforce- Zelda POV

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"Ugh..." I groaned and rubbed my head. Where was I? What I could see boggled my mind. 

It looked like I was on large, blue hexagon with six smaller hexagons on each side. Each had what looked like an element on them. But as I looked around, I couldn't place what each one was. I saw water, fire, and... Forest? But those were the only ones I really knew.

I closed my eyes long and hard, and when I opened them, I was surprised to see a young girl in green clothing with green hair standing on the forest hexagon. 

"Zelda." She smiled. "Welcome to the Chamber of the Sages. You have been awaited here for a long time."

I stared at her. "What are you taking about? Why am I here? Where's Link? Ganondorf?"

The girl cringed at the mention of Ganondorf's name. "Don't mention that name here. Names have power, you know."

I shook my head and closed my eyes again. When I opened them, and old man stood next to her, but not on one of the smaller hexagons. He smiled gravelly. "Zelda. Sage of Time. Welcome."

Sage of what?

"I can see you have many questions. Please, ask." The man nodded towards me.

"All righty then." I muttered. "First of all, what's your name?"

The man's lip curled up in a smile. "I am Rauru. I supposed you've already met Saria." Oh! That's who she was. I remember her from the forest.

Saria looked down at the ground. "Rauru, they've been travelling with Ganondorf."

Rauru's eyes widened. "You've been travelling with the King of Darkness? How? Why? What is his motivation?"

His motivation? Maybe to make me his girlfriend? 

"Well-" I started, but something in Saria's eyes stopped me.

"Link had left them alone for a time to come and talk to me. What happened then, Zelda?"

I blused profusely. Did I really have to tell them? For some reason, Ganondorf was evil in their eyes. So if I told them he kissed me, would I be his evil girlfriend? But they called me the Sage of Time. Does that mean I'm a good guy? Then what is Link? Everything is so confusing!

"Zelda?" Saria said gently. "Will you please tell us?"

"He... He kissed me." I whispered. And then, seeing the looks of mortification, I shouted defensively. "I didn't want him to! It just happened! Link saw it, and he ran off to Saria and I followed him! Then Ganondorf somehow attracted monsters to the camp and we had to help him fight them off when we got back."

Saria's eyes were on her feet when I finished. "Zelda. There's a lot you need to know about what will happen next."

Rauru silenced her with a look. "I will tell her Saria. You are free to go." Saria sighed and disappeared. Probably back to Kokiri forest.

"Zelda." Rauru started. "Ganondorf signed a deal with an evil version of himself in Kakariko Village, you saw this. The sword he carries is an evil version of the master sword, which Link now holds."

"Wait a second." I said. "Link has a sword his father yielded in the Hyrule war years ago. Not the 'Master Sword'"

"Patience child, you will understand this later. Now, as I was saying, Ganondorf now yields the evil version of Link's sword. This was given to him by three goddesses that call them the 'revenge goddesses'. They were actually Hylians just like you many years ago before they drank a potion that took many years to make. This potion made them Deities. The way to make this potion was destroyed in the fiery depths of Death Mountain years and years ago.

"No one anymore knows how to make this potion. Some believe these 'revenge goddeses' wrote it down and still keep in their hold, but that doesn't matter right now. These deities have been waiting for someone with a cruel heart to come around and take their offer up."

I stopped him. "But Ganondorf doesn't have a cruel heart! Him and Link were best friends years ago! They were almost as inseperable as Link and I!"

"But," Rauru looked at me. "That was before Ganondorf developed a liking towards you. He started to envy your relationship with Link. Everyday, you became closer and closer, and Ganondorf disliked you more and more. This made the three goddesses notice him and they started entering his dreams. Then... Well, everyday his heart grows more evil. No matter how kind he seems, the old Ganondorf that might've been your friend will just be a memory."

"No..." I whispered.

"What you must do is go to Castle Town and aquire jobs. You must be able to stay somewhere while you figure out your next step. But whatever you do, do not go to Death Mountain. There, the revenge goddesses will be waiting and will take your freedom and crush it."

"I'm confused." I muttered. "Why must we stay in Castle Town? What is our duty there? Must we see the king? Why can't we stay at Lon Lon Ranch?"

Rauru looked distressed. "Ganondorf will be wanting to go to Death Mountain, but you must put it off for as long as possible. You have to try and have the goddesses leave his body. Destroy his sword, chop off his head, anything! The fate of you, Link, and all of Hyrule rests in your hands!"

"But-" I started. "No! Don't question this!" Rauru yelled, "You must leave for Castle Town the minute your spirit gets back to the tent in Hyrule Field! If Ganondorf isn't there, you have to go after him and find him before he reaches Death Mountain!"

My sight was getting blury, but not from tears. The dream/sight/whatever you would call it was ending. Rauru called out to me. "Have hope, Zelda! Everything will turn out fine if you remember what to do!"

And then everything went black.

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