The Triforce- Zelda POV

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“Unnhh,” I groaned, all my strength gone. I let the moblins take me, their sweaty hands pulling at my hair. My horse neighed as they tried to calm it. Where was Link when I needed him?

“HEY! What are you doing with that young lady?” I heard a voice growl. “Link?” I muttered. “No,” the voice answered, I felt their arms pick me up and whisk me away, the rest was just black.

“Little girl, are you awake?” a voice whispered in my ear. It sounded like an old women. I opened my eyes and was staring into the brown eyes of what looked like a woman older than time.

She smiled at me. “Where were you headed child? I can bring you safe travel.”

Safe travel to Ordon village? But it’s so far! A spasm of pain on my forehead interrupted my thoughts. “Ow.” I groaned. The old woman smiled. “You’re too weak, I see that now, rest and be strong,” and then she was gone.

I tried to sit up but my body was too weak. What was with all of us getting hurt? Couldn’t we go a day without being attacked by monsters? ARGH! Sometimes Hyrule doesn’t seem as safe as it is. I wonder if Link remembers me yet. I wonder if Ganondorf’s okay. I wonder, I wonder, I wonder. I wonder… I wonder If Link still means what he said. I wonder if he really thinks I’m beautiful. I wonder if Ganondorf’s treating him right.

I needed to stop. All the thinking was bringing the headache back on. Rest, is what the old women said, rest rest rest! But I couldn’t! What if it has been six days since I left and Link got worried and started looking for me?

What if I’ve been asleep so long that the goddesses thought I wasn’t worthy of the quest and sent Ganondorf and Link to finish it alone? I started crying, I’ve failed the goddesses, I’ve failed Link, I’ve failed Ganondorf. I could’ve fought off those monsters, I was strong enough. But I just gave in. Who does that?

Maybe the goddesses chose the wrong girl. Maybe their thinking it over right now, ‘Zelda, hmm she seems too weak to complete the quest, I guess we should let this other girl in the quest to replace her.’

But wait, aren’t the goddesses supposedly never wrong? If so, maybe they planned all of this, maybe they planned for me to be on a bed in a strange women’s house. Maybe this woman means something. Maybe…

My thoughts settled, and I drifted off to sleep.

Zelda! I remember, her eyes, her face, her hair! I remember now! Oh I do wish she’d come back, tomorrow I’ll be setting off to find her, I do hope she’s okay!

Link… I’m okay… Don’t try and find me… I’m fine… I’ll be back soon… Please just stay and don’t endanger yourself!


“Wake up little girl, you must keep moving.” A voice whispered, I opened my eyes and saw the old eyes of the woman. “I managed to find you travel sack, but your horse is gone.” I nodded sleepily, still in a daze, “Thank you…”

“Please hurry, you don’t have much time!” the woman pushed me up with incredible strength and threw me out the door. “Who are you?” I asked, amazed.

Before she shut the door, the woman smiled and said. “Well, child, some call me old woman, some call me a hermit, while some call me… Impa.” With that she winked and closed the door.

Impa… Where have I heard that name before? I couldn’t dwell on it though, from what Impa said, I should keep moving. I turned around and saw her cottage; it was a plain little thing, made out of straw. But it was strong on the inside. Just like Impa.

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