The Triforce- Link and Zelda POV

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Link's POV


Where had she gone? Once she screamed I obviously knew something was wrong, Ganondorf must have been as distressed as I.

My head was still lying upon the rock Zelda had made up for me, I was terribly uncomfortable, but I couldn't complain about that to Ganondorf. Besides, I could be in that lava right now. 

But when I looked up to ask Ganondorf a favor, he was gone. And then I realized the smoke and steam had become to thick to see. Or was it because I was still blind? Whatever it was made it impossible for me to see a good sized rock fall from the sky and hit my head, knocking me out.


I could feel something shaking me, but I ignored it, even if it was Zelda, I was content in staying where I was right now.

I was unconcious, I knew that, I couldn't move and my whole body felt numb. My eyes were closed.

But when I opened my eyes, I saw that glowing orb again. And then it shaped into a human. The human I saw before.

I am an agent of the goddess. Rest and find peace... Rest Hero of the Goddesses... Rest...


Zelda POV

"Wake up young one... Your friends are here!"

I felt someone shake me. Huh? Was it breakfast already? Why was it so warm? Ordon village never reached this temperature! I should tell-

No, wait.

I wasn't in Ordon. I was in Death Mountain and my friends are dead.

My eyes snapped open to see a Goron standing above me, it's eyes cold and hard.

"They are in worst shape than expected young one, the eruption is over. Please follow me," he muttered and started off towards a stone door. 

I got up, feeling my weight upon my legs. Have I gained weight? I certainly hope not. Maybe my legs just weak. I went with the latter and followed the Goron.

He opened the door and held it out to me, steam burst into my face, causing me to stumble back. The Goron caught me, chuckling, "it is only the hot springs young one, your friends are bathing in it, but they still remain unconscious.

A thought occured to me. "Are they naked?" I asked.

The Goron just chuckled again, "No, young one, they aren't."

I braced myself through the steam, feeling the sweat gather on my forehead. The Goron still plowed on, his eyes on something ahead.

Finally the steam cleared and I saw a pool of clear blue water surrounded by rocks. I squinted my eyes and spotted two humanoid figures towards the other side of the pool.

"LINK! GANONDORF!" I screeched and jumped into the pool, swimming towards them.

"Woah there young lady! Be careful! They're still unconscious!" the Goron called.

"I don't care!" I yelled, or tried to, since I never really learned how to swim, my head went underwater.

I waved my arms underneath the water, my mouth opened in hope of air but was only filled with water.

My head finally surfaced, and I opened my mouth to breathe gulps of air. 

I moved to the right of Ganondorf and sat on the ledge they seemed to be sitting on. I was shorter than them, so I was up to my chin in water, but I didn't care. All I cared was seeing their faces unscathed and unharmed. This water does work miracles. I could already feel it working on me. The feeling of the water calmed me, and the laps of it against the rock was so peaceful, I could just fall asleep.

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