The Triforce- Link POV

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"Guess again, and guess right, or die." Ganondorf snarled, his hands closing around my neck. I clawed at his arms, but they seemed to be made of steel. Ganondorf laughed. "What is your guess boy? Give a sign when you know." I couldn't keep my breath in for much longer. 

What had possesed Ganondorf to acted like this? I had no idea, goddesses help me!

Finally, after waiting until I couldn't hold my breath in any longer, I made a frantic sign. Ganondorf released me from his grip.

I let out a piercing scream, hoping Zelda could hear it. "AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" 

"That's it boy, that was your chance." Ganondorf pushed his hand onto my shoulder and a spark went through me. 

"Ughhhhhhh," I groaned, the pain was unbearable.

The last thing I saw before I was unconscious, was Ganondorf laughing.


I couldn't see anything for a minute, just darkness. Then the woman made of blue glass appeared in front of me.

She smiled and touched my cheek with her 'arm'. It wasn't much of an arm, more like a sleeve.

"Hero... Chosen by the gods." She whispered. "Recognize me..."

I stood stock still, not understanding her. Then she was gone. As quick as she had came.

A figure replaced her, an imp-like thing that floated in air. It had a helmet like thing on her head that covered one eye, the other was open and watching.

The imp giggled, "soo... It's funny seeing you in this form, you look so different!" She chuckled again, "well... Aren't you going to do something blue-eyed beast? Your life's in danger!" she laughed again, "Bye bye!!"

And the imp was gone. Replaced by a glowing light... A fairy. "HEY! HEY LINK!! Hey! I knew I finally see you!!" the fairy twinkled. "See you!" it was gone.

I found my voice. "Wait! Who are you? What's going on?"

The dream was interrupted by a shower of light, the outline of a beautiful figure showed itself, "Link... Wake up... Quickly!"




"W-w-what?" I jumped up and grabbed my sword. "What's happening!?"

Ganondorf screeched. "You win this time Zelda! But mark my words, the next time we meet, your ears will bleed from the cry of your own screams!"

What did I miss?

"I. Don't. Think. So." Growled Zelda. "Link, throw me your sword!" I took my sword out of my sheath and threw it to her. "Get AWAY From Ganondorf you evil little shrew!" Zelda thrust the sword into Ganondorf's body and an unearthly scream followed suit.

"Take THAT Ganon!" Zelda screamed. I stared in horror as Ganondorf-or rather, Ganon's- face started melting off. "Oh goddesses that's gross." I moaned, covering my eyes. "It's just an illusion Link! Don't get you pants in a twist!" Zelda rolled her eyes.

I glared at her. Oh, so now she decides to talk to me, huh? The nerve of some people...

"You can look now scaredy cat!" Zelda laughed, I heard a groan from Ganondorf's direction and I looked up, scared of what I might see.

But it was just Ganondorf. It was his same face, his same nose, his same hair, his same everything. Which spooked me. Ganon had looked the same when he took over Ganondorf's body... And they shared a name so similar...

"Ganondorf... What's on your hand?" gasped Zelda, splashing into the hot spring. She grabbed his hand and looked at it carefully.

Zelda cried out and grasped something on her neck. It was the necklace I gave her. The one with the triangle thing on it.

"Link!" She uttered, "it's-'it's the same thing as my necklace!" she then gasped in pain and jumped out of the water. 

"Ow! Ow ow ow owch!" she screamed. What was going on? I looked at Ganondorf, who was still unconscious. 

Then I looked at my hand, which started to tingle. Then it started to burn. Burn as if my hand was being engulfed by flames. 

"Zelda!" I croaked. "What's happening?" I saw two people emerge from the hotel entrance.

"Zelda? Link? Ganondorf?" It was Luda and her father. "Are you three okay?" 

"Renado? Help us!" Zelda groaned, and slumped forward. I started towards her, but the pain on my left hand stopped me. 

"Ugghh..." I moaned. Luda rushed towards me and took my hand in hers, "father, Link's got a triangle on his hand!" Renado nodded and said, "Luda, take Link back to the house, I'll get Ganondorf and Zelda,"

Luda nodded fiercly and tugged on my left hand, "OUCH!" I gasped, she smiled at me. "Sorry Linky!" she grabbed my other hand and lead me out of the inn.

I could barely keep up with her, why is it the pain in my hand was taking over my whole body? 

"In here Link, hang on their soldier!" Luda grinned and opened the door to her house. 

She lay out a mat in front of me. "All right sleepyhead, rest now, Zelda and Ganondorf will be here soon with my father, he'll heal your hand... But I don't know if he'll be able to take that triangle off it..."

I nodded, and waited for Renado. The pain in my hand was was subsiding.

As I waited, I raised my arm to peek at my hand. I gasped, it was a triangle... Inside a triangle. Just like the necklace I gave Zelda. The one I had found in the stream a year ago. I was scared, what did this mean? What was about to happen?

Was this a clue from the goddesses to get off our butts and onto this quest? 

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