The Triforce-Zelda POV

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The Goron nearest me caught me before I fell.

"You watch out there young lady!" he yelled over the din, "this is just the volcano erupting! It happens all the time, you just follow me and you'll be safe!"

"But my friends! One of them is hurt and the other one... Well the other one isn't trustworthy, I need to find them!" I yelled. Suddenly a rock fell from the sky and landed right next to us, breaking into a thousand pieces, I clutched my cheek where a piece of rock had implanted itself.

"You see young lady, this is a treacherous place for humans, you shouldn't have come here!" the Goron laughed. "Silly mistake on your part, no?"

"Please, you've gotta help me! I-I have all the rupees you want! Just help us!" I pleaded, the Goron's eyes twinkled at the prospect of money.

"All I need is 20 rupees, and you can stay here for two days," the Goron said rubbing his chin.

"Fine, just help us!" I cried. He nodded and lifted me up onto his shoulder.

"Darbus! Help carry this girl's friends to the elders!" The Goron yelled in my ear, I saw out of the corner of my eye a huge, hulking figure emerge and follow us.

"Where are they, young one?" asked the Goron.

"Just around the corner here, across that rock bridge."

The Goron shook his head as he put me down, "I'm sorry, you'll have to stay here. This bridge is very treacherous so I'll need twice the pay,"

I knew I didn't have the money, but I couldn't think of that right now, "Fine! Please just rescue my friends!" I sobbed.

"Stand under that overhang there, it'll hold the weight of other rocks," the Goron muttered and shoved me under. I cried out when my head banged against the rock, leaving me dizzy.

I watched out of tear-blotted eyes as Darbus and that other Goron went across the bridge. The minute they were across, a rock fell from the outcropping above them and smashed into the bridge, making it crumble into the lava. 

"NO!" I screamed, I saw both Link and Ganondorf figures being lifted up and put on the Goron's shoulders, the one named Darbus yelled to me, "We cannot make it back. Follow the road and you will come across a rock big enough for a Goron to fit through. Go through this hole and tell the elders that Darbus and Dangoro are stuck with two humans like yourself and can't get through!" Darbus and Dangoro turned around, and then they were gone. 

I started sobbing, I couldn't get up. My head felt like a thousand Goron's were pounding on it and my friends were likely going to die. This whole thing was hopeless. This quest is hopeless. I'm hopeless.

But I still stood up. I still forced myself to move ahead. This is to save Link and Ganondorf, I thought. I followed the road, bracing myself to the scalding heat. Ignoring the lava spurted out five feet in front of me. I ignored everything until I finally came upon that rock.

I was about to go in when something stopped me, I turned around and looked up to see a huge rock falling right to the place I was. My eyes widened and I couldn't move. This was the end of me.

I'm about to die.


My legs suddenly sprung to the left, where the hole was and I slid screaming through the tunnel. I felt chunks of the huge rock that hand almost killed me implant on my face, on my eyebrow, on my forehead. So close to my eyes!

Finally, there was an end to the tunnel, and I slipped through, landing on my head. Whimpering, I looked up. I saw two or three Goron's looking down at me suspiciously.

"Who are you?" one asked.

"I am Zelda from Ordon village," I croaked out, "We came here to seek your hot springs to cure my one friend Link, but then the volcano started erupting and-" I felt something wet make it's way down my cheek. "I had left them behind to find you, and two of the Goron's went to help them but then the bridge collapsed and now they're stuck. I can't just leave them!" I cried, "They're going to die!" I fell on my knees and started sobbing.

One of the Goron's put a hand on my shoulder and said, "What were the Goron's names?"

"Dangoro and Darbus," I sniffled, the Goron nodded and took my hand.

"They know how to save people from volcanoes, no doubt. DId they ask a price?" 

I nodded sullenly.

"What was that price?" the Goron asked gently.

"Forty rupees," I answered, hiccuping.

The Goron nodded, " Do you have the money?"

I shook my head, "No, only 30 rupees, enough for food and a place to stay for about a week,"

The Goron nodded again, "I see, well don't worry about that now, I'm sure they'll be fine, just go to sleep, okay?"

I nodded and let the Goron pick me up and place me on a mat. Soon my conscience slipped away and I was asleep

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