Chapter 3

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"Oh my God! Is this really YOU??" I said almost half expecting him to be here in front of me.

"Come on Christy, Ofcourse I'd be here at least for you." he said laughing aloud. 

"Lukeyy! I can't believe this!" I said jumping at him with a huge crushing hug.

Laughing at my reaction he put his arms around me with one hand holding a pretty bouquet of peach roses.

"Now are you going to give me those flowers or what?" I said pouting at him.

"Still the one for flowers eh?" Luke said laughing while giving the flowers to me with a big broad smile.

"Yep! I still am" I confirmed holding the flowers to my chest. 

Luke was the second child of the Monroe's. That is, Samual Monroe's younger brother but not quite younger to him. Both the siblings were parted by a short period of one year.

Many said that such siblings generally have the same facial features. But, in the Monroe brothers case they looked very different.

I had always spent more time with Luke in my childhood since he would always go along with any challenge I would put in front of him. We were absolutely unseperable when we were kids. Not that we weren't once we grew up. It was never awkward between Luke and me. But when Luke's family shifted to Questel, it became a little tough to keep in touch. 

We would still meet every summer after they shifted. Luke would tell me alll about Questel and I would always dream about going there. When I told Luke what I wanted to do with my life when I grew up, and so he would send me a lot of information on all the opportunities there were for a doctor in Questel. He wanted us to be together like we were in L.A. and so we had made a kind of a pact that I would come to his town once I grew up. Thats how the whole idea of  working at the biggest hospital in Questel came across her mind. And now, here she was; right where she wanted to be. 

"Hello? You know I'm here right? I'm starting to think that your dream world is more important than me" Luke said with a dissapointed face

"Oh shit yeah sorry. You know I like dreaming a lot." I told him as a fact. The boy knew a lot about me I thought.

"Thank You so much for these. They are beautiful" I said truthfully taking in its fragrance. "and it also has an amazing perfume." 

"Well, its got to have the looks and the sweet smell right?" he said winking at me, now stepping inside the apartment along with me putting his left arm around my shoulders and guiding me to the neatly arranged lounge. 

"Very funny Luke. You know those charming words don't work on me." "I am absolutely immune to that. Besides you're a whole year younger to me. So forget about the flirting with me." I said to Luke with my face turned upward with a smirk across my face. 

Luke sighed and sat us on one of the couches and said "So you always say Chrissy. I don't think you'd ever give in to any man's charms. Be it me or any one else." 

"Damn right Monroe. It aint happening anytime soon and you know it." I said looking at him intensely.

"Blah blah.. lets not argue about that now. I've come here so that I make sure you get ready fast and so that I can start showing you around Questel." he said a bit sarcastically.

"Now go and get dressed please so that I don't have to see you in a bathrobe any more!" He said wincing slightly.

I faked shock on my face and said "That is so rude!"

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