Chapter 6

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I was sipping my red wine and listening to what Stacy, John and Luke were talking.

John asked me about how I felt on my first day at Questel and when I was starting work. I told him I would be starting as of this coming wednesday. Seems weird eh? Starting work in the middle of the week. But because the dean thought I should settle in well before I start work, he suggested I start from the middle of the week.

Soon, we were talking about random things such as what trouble Luke had done over the years, with his parties and girls and ofcourse school.

It was quite a hilarious sight to see Luke blushing when Stacy mentioned most of the embarrasing things he had done. And yes, I did allow myself to have a whole hearted laugh at him. He deserved it; I thought.

"Mom, Dad please will you stop boring Christy with all your stories, I'm sure she wants to get home now." Sam said cutting into 'that one time when Luke accidently slipped in the laundry room when he went to find his most 'favourite' t-shirt'.

We all turned to look at him and just when I saw what he was wearing I couldn't help but gape at him internally. Why does he have to look so damn hot! Couldn't he just dress like a nerd, you know with those reading glasses and sticky hair.

He was wearing a plain grey shirt with his buttons loosely open, his hair was messed up as if he hadn't bothered to comb it at all. His dark jeans hugged his pefect figure beautifully. Those blue eyes looked into mine as he saw me staring at him.

This man, was way way better than that. He was a man, who was envied by all. The way he spoke, the way he could just mesmerize a woman with his charms, the way he could just look at you in the way that makes you all weak in the knees.

The one thing you couldn't ever believe about him was when he tells you that he loves you. Because that was utter rubbish and you would be a fool to even consider yourself lucky to be 'Loved' by some one like Sam! Yes. He is a heartbreaker.

"Hello earth to Chrissy." demanded Luke, who was now standing in front of me snapping his fingers repeatedly.

"Oops. Sorry" I blushed and shook my head. Why was I thinking about all that just now?

"Shall we go?" Sam asked.

"Sure yeah." I got up from the couch with my bag in hand.

I waved goodbye and goodnight to everyone and left following Sam to the front door. It seemed as if he purposely didn't want to walk with me. He was avoiding me!

I was going to confront him once we sat in the car. He had to know that he just can't behave like this with me.

I mean was it my fault that he found it difficult to keep himself from other girls during the summer we were together four years back. Heck I loved him then, I gave him the most precious thing a girl could give. My virginity. With that, I also gave him my trust and I never expected him to behave so cheaply and so low with me. I learnt to forgive him. That was the only reason why I wasn't getting all my anger out at him.

Once we got in to the car, and were on the street, I quickly asked before I chickened out.

"Sam, what the hell is your problem?"

There was a moment of silence before I heard him taking in a deep breath in and out.

"What is my problem? Really, Chrissy? Couldn't you come up with some better question?" he stated through his teeth.

"Look, whatever happened in the past, is forgotten. At least I have forgotten and forgiven you for that. I understand, sometimes human hormones get out of hand and make you do something you would actually want to control. Such things happen all the time. I get it." I looked at him just to see that he was holding the steering wheel really tight, it seemed as if he would burst any second.

"How do I make you understand Christy! How?! I meant it when I told you four years ago. I loved you. If you had just given me a chance to explain at that time we wouldn't be where we are today, at this minute."

"What do you mean? If you had loved me, you would have tried your best to get me back. No matter how much I ignored you, no matter what I did to bar you from meeting me, you should've come for me. Explained! You can't just give up on love like that." I shook my head at him in utter disbelief.

"I'm not sorry for not getting you back." He said barely moving his mouth.

"Wha- You know what. I should have known. You will never change. You're just a big jerk Sam. You are the one who made me believe that expecting things out of people you care is just the biggest mistake ever. Thank you for reminding me once again." I crossed my arms and looked out of my window.

He did not bother saying anything after what I told him. He just drove quitely in the half empty streets of Questel. When he pulled up at my house, I was more than glad to get out of the same air that Sam was breathing.

I was that pissed. If I had the energy then I would've broken his cars door by slamming it hard. But I thought otherwise and just got out and walked straight into the building without looking back at him.

"Thank God this night is over" I muttered and opened the door to my apartment.


Sam's POV:

"Damn that girl. What does she know about me? She thinks she knows how to judge very well." I banged my hand on the steering hard. 

I just couldn't get that last sentence of what she said out of my mind.

No, I did not have a come back for that one.

I was the one who made her feel that way. But she doesn't know that I did it because that's what is best for her. I guess its better to let her think that I'm an ass.

Never in my life had I hated a person as much as I had loved her. She was the only one who could make me feel like that. Even now.

I realized that I was never going to find someone like her in my life again.

WIth that thought I shook myself out of the trance I was getting into and thought of the party I had to get to within, twenty minutes I thought as I saw the watch.

Starting the car I went off the street where Christina now stayed in and made my way to the party, where I was sure I was going to get drunk as hell and wake up with a hangover in the morning.

I was going to forget about all the feelings Christina had brought in me tonight. I'm not going to fall for her again, I chanted in my head as I drove to the party.





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