Chapter 10

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© books_lover

sooo... this is chapter 10... I cant believe I've come so far in this book and I hope all those reading my book are liking it :) 

Thank you for reading it means a lot lot lot!! 



After the plan being a full on success, I had to screw it up. Ugh I can't believe I actually thought she was ready to forgive me and be with me again.

I ran my hand through my hair a couple of times making it even more messier than before, I slowly dropped to the floor where we both were standing just sometime back having the most amazing make out session.

I sighed and put my head on my knees thinking of ways to get Christina back. I din't want to leave things so messed up. I needed to show her my feelings for her, show her how hard my life was without her with me.

"Man, you're so whipped." some guy chuckled at the state of me on the floor.

"Huh?" I looked up at a guy who was towering over me grinning.

"Look, I dint mean to evesdrop or anything but I saw what happened and I also heard what you just said. You're whipped dude." he said gazing at me with amused eyes.

Suddenly I felt like beating the crap out of that guy who just mentioned that he not only heard me talking to myself in a self pitious manner but also saw the make out session/argument with my girl.

"What the hell man?" I asked, my voice low and angry. I got up from the floor immediately. I could feel my hands turning into fists but I dint punch the guy.

"I know. I uh I'm sorry..! I just think I'll get out of your way. Hope you sort it out with your girl." the man hesitated and smiled a little and went through the doors of the ballroom.

I took a deep breath in and let it out. It was a technique that helped me get rid of the anger that seems to get me for little matters. 

When Christina and I were dating back then, I used to get really mad at any guy who would hit on her or pass sleazy comments whenever I was around her. She had taught me the technique and I'd almost immediately relax and so I had made it a habit to take deep breaths whenever the situation called for.

Instead of walking back inside the ballroom where everyone was dancing, I decided to go out for some fresh air, but before that I went to one of the rooms up stairs where dad kept some alcohol. I needed it bad tonight. I just couldn't allow her thoughts to make me miserable. I had to think of a way to get her back. 

There was a mini bar in the room, I took my pick of the most favourable tequila and poured my self eight shots. 

I brought the tray with me to the lounge and sat down on one of the comfortable sofa's.

After downing all the eight shots within 5 minutes, I was dead drunk and no thoughts in my head were making any sense to me.

A short while later, a blurred figure that looked of a woman entered the room a slow seductive smile pasted on her face. I couldn't see properly  but when I got up from the sofa and stepped closer I couldn't help but think about Christina all over again. I walked to her slowly, all the while imagining it was Christina. 

The last thing that I remembered was crashing my mouth on hers hungrily and showing her how much I loved her.


It felt like ages when I woke up the next morning. 

I could see some lighting in the room where I had crashed last night and a heavy throbbing started to make its way to my head.

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