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Ahhhhhh!Guys!2nd Book is out!!If you haven't read my first book then....Go read it what is wrong with you!Go read it!If you have....Welcome back!And if your just gonna ignore this...........Wait kids might read this.Anywayyyyyy I'm going to start updating September 20th!That can give me time to prepare chapters in advance!Of course if I haven't finished the first book yet(Dont blame me these kids don't wanna answer my question in the comments) then of course I'm not updating that day UNTIL I get my three answers!So even if you ignored the read the first book thing at least go on my last chapter on the last book and Comment a continue or Dont continue!Make yourself useful jeez!Anyway that's all!Any questions?Comment or private chat me!!!!Good bye my little witches and wizards!

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