Chapter Five

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Azure's Point of View

"Do you realize what you have done!?You are lucky you aren't under Slytherin because if it was up to me, I would've had you out of here before you could even beg!You boys-"I heard a loud echoing voice flood through the hallways.

"-will not be given a punishment by you, Professor Snape.These two boys are under Gryffindor, therefore their fate lies with Professor McGonagall." an older voice interrupts the harsher one, shielding the other's anger with a calm and professional tone.I quickly but quietly rush my way over, the voices getting louder and louder.

"Azure?What are you doing?You're going to raise suspicion!" my younger brother James whisper-yells at me.We were here on a mission, to distract The Boy Who Lived.Our parents worked with people...people who save the ones who need saving!People...people like Voldemort.They were called out to the coast of Ireland for a meeting of some sorts, and when they returned, they told us everything....Everything that boy did!Everything that monster did to our family!He caused us pain, he caused us fathom, and he will not be forgiven.The Dark Lord wants him alive, but I'm sure his greatness wouldn't mind if he received a my family and me on the way.Trust me when I say, he will pay for his wrong doings.

"Calm down, would you?The boy was caught using magic by muggles remember?It makes sense that they would scold him right?It just so happens, that someone is being scolded right now.Come on, this could give us a lead on who the boy is!" I say still in the same volume as before.

We continue to stalk our way to the voices as they continuously get louder.

"We'll pack our bags then..." a younger; kind of awkward voice says, the gloom definitely notable in his voice.We both peak our heads in the room where the voices were coming from.There was an old man, with an old lady next to him; probably spouses(I ship them).There were also two boys.A redhead and another with ebony black hair, and sea blue eyes.Not to mention the creepy guy dressed in black.

"What on Earth are you talking about Mr.Weasley?" the old lady asks.She probably knew exactly what he was talking about...but she's old so I guess that's how things work for her.(Oooh snap, she insulting our Grandmother!SQUARE UP AZURE!SQUARE UP!)

"Aren't you going to expel know for exposing magic, and risking the complete exposure of Wizardkind?"

Dark Lord save us all!It's like this kid wants to get expelled!

"Not today, Mr.Weasley.But I hope you know how serious this is!You and Mr.Potter will be receiving in-school detention." she snaps at them...who knew a silly Gryffindor could be so...strict!

!!!She must be foolish to speak his name!...The hag's old as the school itself, his greatness would probably punish her with a quick death.

We immediately start walking back to the great hall(where we were supposed to be) and start backtracking on the information that we just got."We know who the boy is.He's in Gryffindor and is a second-year student."I say as I pretend to be having an average conversation with him.There were too many people around us.They're too blind.

"So what's the plan?"James asks, with amazing acting if I have a say.He was just eating a everyone else...I guess he's just hungry.It makes sense, we haven't eaten for...maybe two weeks?

"Hm...we both need to get close to him somehow.It should be a piece of cake for you because you're in Gryffindor as well, so maybe try...getting close with the girl the lord mentioned.He seemed to have some sort of deep feeling for this girl, and you getting close to her could stir up some feelings.Me?I guess since I'm in Hufflepuff(surprisingly, I expected to be in Slytherin or even Ravenclaw)I'll just try pairing up with the dreadful boy.If we can cause some sort of drama, It would look like we want attention, therefore it would remove any suspicion...James...listen to me.I know I'm usually the one doing the work, and you would have my back.This time, It's going to be the other way around.This plan depends on you to be carried out, I'm just here serving know you can do it, I have faith in you.Goodbye, Love you."We all stood up and went with our designated houses to follow them to our dorms.

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