Chapter 11

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Y/N's Point of View

I start making my way back to the Common Room...How could he?

Was he tired of waiting?
Was I not good enough?
Did he find it weird dating his teacher's granddaughter?

All these questions flooded my head in a deluge of sorrow.I could feel the familiar stinging returning to my eyes, and I immediately pick up my pace.I knew I was going to cry.

Don't cry.He's just a boy.Just a boy...that wandered into your dreams.Just a boy who you fell so madly in love with.Just a boy you would never get over.

You were too late.Your tears started coming down your face, leaving wet trails behind them.Wet trails that will later sting.Sting, but not as much as your heart...Your heart Stings.It stings.It stings the most.It stings as if someone just shredded it into pieces.

Just as I was going to arrive at the entrance to the common room, I bump into someone.My stuff falling and scattering all over the floor.I don't look up to see who it was.My head was too drenched in sorrow to look forward.Only down.Down at myself.My hands slowly make their way over to my stuff, trying to gather them all back into the pile of books they once were, when another hand met mine.

"Y/N?Why are you crying?"The voice continues to help me gather my stuff and to question me but stops when I don't answer, or even look back.Just as I was about to grab the last book, a hand lands on my chin and pulls my head slightly up, making my face look at them.James...It was Mr.Green.He was trying to help me all along.

"Tell me.What's wrong?" He takes all the books from my hands and lifts me up along with himself.We started walking.Walking away from the common room.No escape now..."You know?I won't let you leave my side until I see that you're happy.So if I wanted to leave, I would tell Mr.Green here what's wrong."

I look up at him, finally lifting my head voluntarily for once.He looked as if he actually wanted to know.Interesting..."Just a boy."I mutter, his eyes going wide as soon as the words left my mouth.

"O-Oh.Ha.I remember when I had my first crush on a girl..." he says, my attention quickly landing on him."What happened?"

"Huh.It...It just couldn't work...I guess my family was a tough crowd to please know.I just couldn't date the chick..." I noticed he started to get uncomfortable, so I decided to not press the matter further."Well...would you do anything to be with her?" I asked, my lips starting to quiver.I started asking questions that I should've asked myself.It was terrible.It was pitiful.

"," my eyes go wide-eyed at his forwardness.That was unexpected...but honest."I think I should always move forward...In fact, I have this girl that's been lingering in my mind, ever since I got to Hogwarts." he states, blowing up his right cheek with air, as I wondering how I would react."Oh...Do you think things would work out for you two?" he looks at me with a plain expression.

"I don't know, she's in Ravenclaw...But hey!Seems like I cheered you up a bit?Right?"He asks, his tone exchanging the awkward environment with a slightly energetic one...I guess he was kind of right.I am a bit cheered up...I'll probably start crying buckets later when I have to explain this to Hermione...

"Yeah, I guess..." I start chuckling under my breath.This boy..."Haha, wanna maybe?I finally just got my stuff in order in the boys room.So...I would love to see those robes off you?"

...Is he serious?I can't believe...It was all just to get me to sleep with him.

My calm mood replaced with an infuriated one.I swear you could see the heat radiating through my skin."You-You idiot!You literally just talked about a girl you liked, and now you want to shag me?!You're one of those boys!I-I actually thought you had feelings for a second!Was I wrong!I-I don't want you near me!"I start running away, back to the Common rooms.Where I was supposed to end up at least.

That infuriating little-

Harry's Point of View

Oh, no...I-I shouldn't have done that!Wait...I didn't do anything!That random girl just came up to me and kissed me!I-I messed up...I shouldn't have let Y/N leave...But she left!How...How am I going to fix this...

A/N: Hello my little wizards!This chapter was a bit of a story chapter!I didn't want the book just to follow the Main Storyline, or else the book would be quite short!In fact, that reminds me!This book is ALMOST to an end!If my guessing skills are good...which they probably aren't, we only have 10 or 15 chapters to go!Of course, it's not guaranteed!I could always add a bit more drama!Anyway, I hope you enjoyed!Thank you!!

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