Chapter 7

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Y/N's Point of View/In Transfiguration Class:

"One, Two, Three.Vera Verto."We were in Transfigurations and Minnie was teaching us how to transform our animals into goblets.Everything was cleared up with Harry, and he told me everything.Draco, however, doesn't think I should be near him.

Minnie's bird shapeshifted into a beautiful goblet, causing 'woah's and 'ooh's to swarm the class."Who's next?How about you Ms.McGonagall.Please show us.

I swallow the lump in my throat, not sure if I actually wanted to turn my cat snow into a goblet.I'd rather do it on an animal I don't have a connection to!

I'd rather do it on an animal I don't have a connection to!

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I clear my throat.God forbid I don't speak the spell clearly."Vera Verto..."Snow starts slowly but surely turning into the goblet, his meow's silencing in the process.

"Snow starts slowly but surely turning into the goblet, his meow's silencing in the process

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"Ah!I did it!Now how do I turn him back!"I command more than asking.Minnie walks her way over giving me a 'stop yelling' look and taps her wand on the goblet turning snow back to his original self.Before Minnie could ask anyone else to present to the class, Hermione interrupts her by raising her hand.

"Yes, Miss Granger?" Minnie asks prepared to answer any question about the subject.

"Professor......I was wondering if you could tell us about the Chamber of Secrets..."Hermione hesitantly asks, feeling that she could get in trouble for going off task.To this, every single kid in that class took an interest.Including me.Minnie notices this when she contemplates on whether or not she should answer the question.

"Very well.You all know, of course...that Hogwarts was founded over a thousand years four of the greatest witches and wizards of the age: Godric Gryffindor, Helga Hufflepuff...Rowena Ravenclaw, and Salazar Slytherin.Now, three of the founders co-existed quite harmoniously.One did not." she pauses."Three guesses who."Ronald interrupted.Minnie gave him a look that said'I know right'."Salazar Slytherin wished to be more selective...about the students admitted to Hogwarts.He believed magical learning should be kept within all-magic families.In other words, pure-bloods.Unable to sway the others, he decided to leave the school.Now, according to legend...Slytherin had built a hidden chamber in this castle...known as the Chamber of Secrets.Though, shortly before departing, he sealed it...until that time when his own true Heir returned to the school.The Heir alone...would be able to open the Chamber...and unleash the horror within, and by so doing so...purge the school of all those Slytherin's view, were unworthy to study magic." she finished unsure if it was a good idea to finish.


"Naturally, the school has been searched many times.No such chamber has been found." she continued.

"Professor? What exactly does legend tell us lies within the Chamber?"Hermione questioned even further.To be completely honest, I'm not sure how Minnie still maintained her temper.It was unlike her to stay off task for so long.

"It is said that a great monster lies within the chamber...In which only the heir, can control.


"Who can possibly be the heir?It just doesn't make sense."Hermione almost muttered to herself more than to us.

"Gee, I wonder who has a hate for muggle-borns, is in Slytherin, and is evil in general..."Ron obviously tries to hint that Draco is the heir.

"If you're talking about Draco-"Hermione interrupts before I interrupt her."Draco isn't the heir!He wouldn't do something like that.He's sweet and caring!...I know the first year he was a bit...difficult, but he's changed."You say quieting down in the end.

Harry starts laughing,"I thought you said you weren't ready to date.I guess you just wanted to be with Draco instead...why are you two so close anyway?"Both me and Hermione go wide-eyed.She obviously knew that I spent a few days with Draco.

"U-Um, they were penpals over summer!Since you wouldn't send back letters, she decided that she would go to the ministry and participate in the Teenager PenPal Program."Hermione quickly but smoothly covered.

Nice one Hermione!


"We need to find the book with the polyjuice potion recipe.If I'm correct, it should be in that bookshelf over...there!I'll be right back."Hermione starts walking towards the bookshelf she pointed to earlier, as we stand there, waiting for her in silence.

She quickly comes back with a worried grimace planted on her face."I found it..."

Really?How long is it going to take?"Harry stands up in interest.

She gives us that grimace again,"About three months..."

"Bloody Hell Hermione!Draco could kill the majority of the muggle-borns by then!"Ron shouts in terror, as he received a dead glare from me.

"Yeah, but it's the best we've got."

I start thinking about my wand while the other three start looking for something in the book about speeding up the potion process, until...I look at my wand.

Mr.Olivander sent me that manual a few days ago!It had something about potions...

"Maybe not...I might have something" I say with pride as I tap the book with my wand.

A/N: Hello my little wizards!How is everyone doing!I hope you guys are doing wonderfully!I have testing tomorrow, and I'll try writing chapter 8 in my journal if I have free time...I probably won't be able to bring a pencil and paper but...I can try?Anyway, what do you think you have in mind?Is Harry getting jealous?I can't wait to upload the next chapter!

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