Chapter 8

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Y/N's Point of View

"So you're saying, that if we use your wand to make the potion, the potion would take two months less?"Hermione asks in amazement.Mr.Olivander sent you an owner's manual to my wand because we didn't have enough time to cover everything about the wand.Hearing that the potion would take three months, brought back the memory of me looking at the table of contents, skimming over it, running into  'Alchemy: Speeding' on the way.

I nod, still looking at the owner's manual to make sure I knew what I was talking about."Yup, it says here that you insert the ingredients into the wand by pointing at the ingredient one by one and saying 'Aberto'.Once you've entered all the ingredients into the wand, under the wand should glow the colour of what the potion should look like.If it's the desired colour repeat the spell pointing the wand into a cauldron filled with cold water.The amount of water must be equivalent to how much of the certain potion you want, for the water itself is transforming into the potion." I read out loud, as you look up immediately at the others.

Hermione starts looking at me with amazement."That's absolutely fascinating Y/N!It almost sounds too good to be true!Now that we got the timing sorted, how are we going to get all the ingredients?" she asks her fascination of my wand quickly disappearing as she brings up another difficult issue.

"Well, what do we even need?It can't be too much.Right?" Ron questioned with a hopeful glance plastered on his freckled face.

"No, not at all...we just need Lacewing flies, Leeches, a Powdered Bicorn horn, a bit of Knotgrass, Fluxweed that was picked under a full moon, and shredded boomslang skin....Oh!We also need the hair of who we want to transform into, but we need that after the potion is done."I started tapping my wand against my finger in boredom."Where could we get all that?!"Harry yelled out the question in surprise of my idea of a little bit.

"Professor Snape would have it...Y/N...Draco is trusted by Snape.If you could get him to go inside and get us the ingredients it would be way easier..."Hermione quietly mumbles as she knew I wouldn't fancy the idea of using Draco to find out if he's the heir or not...which he's not.

"Of course not!"I denied so quickly that I made all of them flinch."Alright Y/N...I guess we're having to assume he's the heir...(I don't budge at all)...Harry could forgive you!"Ron yells obviously without the approval of Harry himself.This...This made me budge.I was surprised to see that Harry agreed shortly after.I guess he really wanted to prove his point.

I chuckle to myself,"I can't wait until you realize Draco's not the heir..."


I was making my way over to Draco...this was becoming a habit..."Hey, Y/N!Do you need something?"Draco asks looking up from his food.None of the Slytherins minded me odd."Oh!Um, I was wondering if you could get me a few of these things from Snape's potion cabinet..."I ask, disappointed in myself once I realized that Draco was looking at me with pure trust...I gave him a list of the items we needed to make the potion.

"Sure!In exchange for...a kiss!" he gives me a smirk.

Aww!He's kinda cute when he does that---What did I just say?

(I know it looks like she's leaning towards Draco, but don't worry!This is a Harry X Reader!It will all turn out in the end!)

"Mmmmm Fine!But on the cheek!" you feel the heat rushing it's way over to your cheeks.

"Which ones?" he starts leaning in and kisses my cheek and then leaves.

"Which ones?" he starts leaning in and kisses my cheek and then leaves

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Oh my god...


Hermione, Ron, and I were in the stands watching Harry and Draco play.Well, I was here to watch Harry and Draco to play.The other two came to watch Harry go against Draco...

It hurts...knowing that my friends don't like him.They don't trust that I'm making the right decision...If they had the opportunity would they destroy our friendship?Hermione might hesitate, but she would...As would Ron.But Harry wouldn't hesitate.He would just break us apart in a heartbeat.

My thoughts were interrupted when I heard Hermione yell Harry's name.I look up to see Harry being chased by a bludger!"Harry, run!" you scream!

A/N:Hello everyone!I feel like this one's a bit short...I have a question for you guys!Tomorrow, thursday, would you rather me update a chapter as short as this one?Or not getting one tomorrow but get a longer one on friday?

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