Chapter Three

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Y/N's Point of View

"Come on girls, the train awaits you!"Mr.Granger says with much enthusiasm.

I guess the idea of his daughter being a witch excites him...I can see why I mean, what muggle wouldn't be excited?

"Y/N, come on.Don't be like that!"Harry tries as I give him the silent treatment.I should've let him explain but my anger blinded me.Of course, I would always have a weak spot for him, so I let him have his chance.

"Fine, we can talk on the train."I say as my posture softens down a bit.He nods silently knowing that's the best he's going to get.He knew I could be irrational when I'm mad.

We exit Diagon Alley, and Mr.Granger starts the car.He sits in the driver's seat with Mrs.Granger in the passenger seat leaving Hermione and me with the two back seats.

" must be really mad at Harry.Y/N, Ron told me how the Dursley Family didn't allow for him to let his owl out so, he couldn't send us letters back regardless."Hermione says hoping that her statement would convince me to forgive him.The truth of the matter is, I do forgive him.Him not sending a letter back wasn't what had me upset.

"Hermione?We think of each other as sisters...right," she nods, giving me a face full of confusion.What did this have to do with Harry?"That means you can keep a secret between you and me?" She nods again, keeping her eyes on me, expecting a secret."I think I'm going to break up with Harry..."

"What?Why?You two are great for each other!I told you already, he couldn't have responded back if he wanted to!"Hermione almost yells because of how upset she was.

"I know Hermione, that's not it-"

"You're not ditching him for Draco are you?!" she starts asking questions non-stop, trying to get me to change my mind.

"Hermione....Hermione?HERMIONE!I'M NOT DITCHING ANYONE FOR ANYONE!"She immediately silences after my outbreak.

Mrs.Granger looks back at us with a small smile,"You girls are so cute!"She turns back looking back towards the road, Leaving a confused look on both me and Hermione's faces.

"I just think that we're a bit too young to date...Don't you agree?As a sister, don't you think that a 12-year-old shouldn't date yet?" you say your voice, just barely over a whisper due to your sadness.

"You're right, I guess we're both too young...Well, how about you show me you're new wand?I've been dying to see it!"Hermione says cleansing the scene of the sadness and anger and replacing it with a normal calm mood.

"Uhh, it's in the trunk."I say still looking around in case I was mistaken.

"Oh!No problem!I've been trying out this new spell that could summon things!This is the perfect opportunity to try it out!"Hermione says as she looks around for her wand.

Then I remember that protection spell Mr.Ollivander was talking about.Couldn't that hurt Hermione?"Hermione, I don't think you should-"

"Accio Y/N's Wand!" and with that my wand immediately appears in her hand.But as soon as she had it, she dropped it even quicker.Wincing in pain, as she looks at her hand to see nothing was wrong.

"Y/N?I think your wand's possessed!"She says in absolute terror!

"Oh no!Did it hurt you?I should've told you earlier!Hopefully, you won't need to perform magic for the next 24 hours..."I say thoughts full of worry racing through my head.

"Wait!You knew that would happen?!What is it?" she asks almost picking it up again in fascination, but luckily stops herself.

"Uh, Mr.Olivander says it's this new spell called the loyal guard.According to him, it hurts and blocks the magical energy of anyone besides myself, using it for intentions I wouldn't approve of...I guess thinking it would hurt you, I didn't approve of you summoning it and it performed the spell!" you say looking at her hand for any burns or scorches."Are you ok?" you ask, still observing her hand.

"Yeah, I'm fine.Y/N, that spell is extremely powerful!How much did that thing cost you!?" she asks looking at me about to touch the wand for approval.

I nod,"It actually was free.Mr.Olivander felt bad for giving me a wand that was guaranteed to explode so he made me a custom one with the best magical Attributes he could find.

Olivander felt bad for giving me a wand that was guaranteed to explode so he made me a custom one with the best magical Attributes he could find

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(The wand again because it's beautiful!)

"You mean it's custom made?That's amazing!"

A/N:Hellooo, my little wizards!How is everyone doing?Are these chapters too short!?Please tell me, I want to do short little scenes so that there are more chapters.Anyway, I hope you enjoy and have a wonderful day!

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