Chapter Two

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A/N: Hello my little wizards!The second chapter is here!Before we start can I just thank you all for over 60 views on yesterday's 'REAL Chapter One' you guys absolutely crushed it!I mean 60 views in just a few hours!That is amazing!I know what you're thinking!You have hundreds of views on the other chapters, and you're getting excited on 60 views?!Yes!Yes, I am!The last Chapter was technically the first Chapter of the Book, and to have 60 views in a few hours means soooo much to me!EVERY single one of those views and comments I appreciate sooo much because THEY are the attributes of this book that bring it to life.They are the attributes of this book that keep it running!Anyway, I hope you enjoy the second chapter, I will be working on a schedule so make sure to keep an eye out for that!Good Day my little wizards!  

Y/N's Point of View

When Harry's eyes met mine, it was like we were the only ones in that bookstore, which was far from the truth.I quickly disposed of the dazed look on my face and shot him a deadly one.Boy if looks could kill...

When Harry was done, and the rest of the adults were conversing, he came up to me.

"Y/N?What's wrong?Aren't you happy to see me?"He asks trying to sneak himself a hug but fails miserably when I turn from him.He gives a confused look towards Hermione.If anyone knew why I was acting like this it would be her.

She immediately got the message.

"She's a bit upset, that you didn't write back to her during the Summer, and she's not the only one..."Hermione said before she turned towards me, flicking her hair in his face, and rushing to me.

As Harry tries to talk to you again, Draco interrupts him.

"I'll bet you loved that, didn't you, Potter? Famous Harry Potter. Can't go into a bookshop without making the front page."Draco snaps.

Ginny quickly goes to his rescue,"Leave him alone.

"Look, Potter. You've got yourself a girlfriend.Does that mean you're free Y/N?"He gives me a sly smirk.To be honest he was quite attractive.His personality towards others is definitely a work in progress...I mean, he didn't seem mean to me when we hung out during summer(which Harry can never find out about), so I'm sure he could change one day.Right now though, I only see him as a friend.

"Draco, I've told you billions of times!We're just friends."I say before a man walks in with his cane biting down on Draco's shoulder, while he gets pushed out of the way.

"Draco, when were you going to introduce me to your...friends?Hm.Forgive me Mr.Potter, but I just had to see the scar.It's Legendary, as is the man who gave it to you..."He says, as he quickly makes his way over to Harry and observes his scar at a probably uncomfortable distance.

"Voldemort killed my parents.He was nothing more than a murderer."Harry states.He seemed to have gotten really confident over the summer...

"You must be very brave to speak his name...or foolish-"

"Fear of a name only increases fear of the thing itself."Hermione and I say at the same time, giving each other small smiles.(Being with Hermione all summer got us really close.We're basically sisters!)

"Hm...yes.You must be...Ms.Granger?" he asked looking at Draco for confirmation.When Draco nods, his father looking back at Hermione."He's told me all about you...and your parents.And you must be Y/N McGonogall.He's definitely talked about you."He stepped even closer, taking a good look at me."From what I hear,you're Wife Material.I personally think, you would be excellent to continue the line of Malfoys..."Both Draco and I immediately start blushing.(HAHA YES!THE DRACO ROMANCE IS STILL THERE!)

"Now, now Malfoy.Don't want to scare the girl now do we?" thank god, Mr.Weasley came to the rescue!

"Well...if it isn't the Disgrace of a wizard!They don't even pay you enough.Sometimes I wonder how you can afford to support your children...if that's what you call this...Either way, I think it's about time Draco and I head off.Come along Draco."Draco's father said.Draco quickly walks up to us, before he gives Harry and the Weasleys a smug look, while he gently grabs my hands, and plants a kiss on them...


"What the bloody hell was that?"Ron asked,still processing what just happened.

"Hold on, what did you mean you told him millions of times?As far as I'm aware you only talked to him a few times last year...unless..."Harry starts looking at me as if I did something monstrous.Me being the quick-headed girl I am, I immediately came up with an excuse.

Harry cannot find out, I spent the summer with Draco, he'll kill me!

"Harry, calm down.I was just exaggerating.Besides, have you ever thought that maybe he's just misunderstood?You of all people should know that Harry!"I feel my anger start to boil up in me, at this point steam was probably seeping out of my ears!

Over the summer, Draco and I really bonded...He's sweet and caring, but his family needs him to be the way he acts in public.He doesn't understand why yet, but he says that one day he will and that I'll be the first person he tells.


"Hey, Draco?Why do you act the way you do around school?You don't seem to be too bad when we're alone."

"It's my family.They have to keep up that pureblood reputation, and if their son is seen being kind or nice to someone who isn't of pureblood, they'll probably disown me..."

"Well, I'm a McGonagall.We're Half-Bloods.You're still nice to me."

"Y-You're different...I don't believe for a second that you aren't a pureblood.Call it a feeling, but I just know it!And one day, you'll see that Potter for the coward he is!"

"*chuckles*Draco, I told you.I decided-"

End Of Flashback

A/N: Remember to vote, comment, and follow my page!How are you feeling about the Draco romance?Will it mean anything in the future?Will it get destroyed at some point?Will Harry find out?All questions that are left unanswered!I  hope you all have a spectacular day and keep an eye out for the next update!
P.s Don't worry Draco and you aren't a thing,he just likes you.I reread this and thought is sounded like you were cheating on Harry...which you aren't.

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