Chapter 12

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Y/N's Point of View

I wake up, my upper body jumping out in fear, while transparent beads of sweat formed on my forehead.

Was it just a dream?H-Harry didn't kiss Azure?

My thoughts were soon interrupted by a knocking on the dorm doors.

"Dear Merlin Y/N!Are you not awake yet?Come on!We have to go to Dueling Club with Harry and Ron!"Hermione's puffy hair swaying with her pace as she rushes her tiny self over to my bed.

So it was a dream!Hermione wouldn't mention Harry's name with such comfort in front of me if it did happen...Whooo!....Haha!Like Harry would do that to me!I can't believe I actually dreamt that!Huh...It felt so real though...

"W-What?"I ask, my eyes adjusting to the newly found brightness in the room due to one of the other girls spreading the curtains."Don't tell me you forgot!Harry's been absolutely ecstatic ever since he saw the flier!In fact, you were the first one he told!"The words running out of her mouth as she walked over to my wardrobe and took out a fresh set of robes, socks, and socks.She then threw them to my face, to my displeasure.

"Oh...Oh yeah!Of course!"I spoke my voice just barely above a whisper.

I have no idea what she's talking about...

I quickly put on the black silk robes on, along with my sock, shoes, and tie.I rush over to the bathroom the girls share, and quickly apply very small amounts of know.My average.(HAHA)

As I exit the girl's dorms I can see Harry and Ronald waiting down the stairs.Ron looks up, his eyes beaming at the sight of us."Good morning Y/N!" he squeals stuffing his face with a chocolate muffin.

To this Harry immediately looks up from whatever distractions had his attention this time and smiles at us."Good Morning Y/N!"

"Ugh!Be quiet.....I play!Goood Morninggggg Ron!Gooood Morninggggg Harry!Did I say Goooood Morninggggg to you, Hermione?Huh....Goooood Morning Hermione!"I start doing some weird dances every time I said Gooooood Morninggggg!

You could see Ron's freckles washing over with confusion at my oddly rare state."Here you go Y/n.Caramel-filled Vanilla muffin.Your favourite!"Ron hands over two small muffins that were indeed my favourite.But I take them in confusion.

"Why couldn't we just go to the great hall and normal?"

"Y/N!I thought I told you already!WE ARE GOING TO THE BLOODY DUEL CLUB!!!"Hermione yells, and runs out of the common room, her fuzzy hair once more swaying as she walked.

What's got her panties in a twis-Ohhhhh.I DO remember her telling me about that special week...Blood hell.

A/N: Sorry for such a short chapter my little wizards!Oh, wait!......Hello my little wizards (Is it weird I read that in a Jacksepticeye voice?)I hope you enjoyed the chapter either way!

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