Chapter Four

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Y/N's Point of View

Hermione and I were on Platform 9 3/4 and Harry nor Ron have shown up at our usual meeting spot.Usually, before we board the train we all meet up at a designated spot so that when we board we can find a cart where we can all fit.Time continued, to run and run, and they still hadn't made it.

"Y/N!Come on!The train's leaving in 3 minutes!"Hermione rushed over to a worried me, dragging me to the nearest train entrance.

"But Hermione!They're not here yet!What if they're in trouble and-"Sentences full of concern rushed out of my mouth.

What if Harry and Ron don't make it?Would they be able to go to school for the rest of the year?Would they be behind an entire year?What if Ron died?!What if Harry died?!What if they both exploded?!Oh my God!Oh my God!They exploded!

"HERMIONE!THEY EXPLODED!THEY-"You begin to yell madly.By now you were sure half of the platform had given you their attention.Something about everyone in the Weasley Family getting through, except Ron and Harry seemed off.

"Y/N they're probably already on the express, looking at both of us like were flying mermaids!Come on!Ughhhh...Y/N!Let's go!"She says at this point losing her patience.She yanks me by the cloak, and she finally gets me on the express."Now come on.Let's go look for them." she says starting to walk through the express, peeking through every cart looking for Harry and Ron.As we got closer and closer to the end of the train still not finding Harry and Ron, my anxiety quickly rises.The train starts to move slowly, slow, fast, faster.We still hadn't found them.What if I was right!They exploded!

As we approached the last cart, Hermione and I hold in our breaths.We both know that if they aren't on this last cart, they aren't on the train at all.We also both know that if they aren't on the train at all, there was no chance that they could've made it to Hogwarts.Hermione starts sliding the door open slowly, the creaking the door makes getting even louder.So slow that if someone else was on the other side they probably would have gotten up and opened the door themselves.Hermione opens the door...they weren't there...

"Hermione...They aren't on the train."I say my eyes dropping.

"W-We don't know that!They could be in the Boys room!Yeah!That's where they are!The boys room!Come on, let's wait here.They'll find us."Hermione says leading me to sit down in the cart.

She's right!They're in the Boys room!We'll just depressed....and not happy.


Hermione and I both look up with great joy on our faces, but the joy immediately leaves when we see it's just a boy.The boy had Pale white hair and piercing red eyes.

"Go away you're not Harry and Ron!"I yell at him turning my body to the opposite side of the room...I guess I could be very childish when I'm upset.The boy looks back down in sorrow as he slowly turns to exit.

"Gosh, Hey!Sorry for my friend here.She's just in a REALLY bad mood(That time of the month?lol)Did you need something?"Hermione says as she gives the boy a sad smile.She felt bad that I yelled at him so she tried helping him to the best of her ability.

"Um, yeah.I was wondering If I could sit with you guys....girls.I just transferred from Ilvermorny and I don't know anyone." he says shyly.

Well, now I feel bad!All he wanted was to make friends!I should introduce myself.Maybe distract myself from Harry and Ron.Who am I kidding?!They aren't leaving my mind anytime soon.

I sigh deeply,"Hi, I'm Y/N McGonagall.Sorry for my abrasive attitude earlier, I'm just worried about something."I say trying my best not to yell in his face again.

Gosh, I guess I really DO have anger issues!...Nah, I'm sure it's just a phase.

The boy looks at me with an understanding look,"Well we're going to school!Turn that frown upside down!Come on!There's nothing that could bring you down from that!"He says really cheerfully.

Woah 0 to 100 real quick!

"Yeah, I guess..."I say.Wow, this guy really knew how to cheer someone up!

"You see Y/N!Not all is bad!Maybe we could ditch Harry and Ronald for this bundle of joy!" She jokes while pinching his cheeks...What the heck is going on?!

"That's not funny Hermione!"I almost scream, but luckily I managed to control myself.

Totally a phase...

"So...what's your name?I'm Hermione,"Hermione asks flirtatiously.I could've sworn I gave her the shadiest look.

Did we not just talk about not dating, not even twenty minutes ago?!

"I-I'm Blake.Blake Majiks" he states with a faint blush painting itself on his pale cheeks.Before I could continue giving them deceitful looks, I quickly glance out the window before something catches my eye...Harry?!There he was!He was dangling off the side of a flying blue car!


"Harry!" I yell quickly making my way over to the window, watching in worry, while Hermione and Blake quickly make their way to my side

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"Harry!" I yell quickly making my way over to the window, watching in worry, while Hermione and Blake quickly make their way to my side.The same worried look on their faces.

A/N: Hello my little wizards!How is everyone?How do you feel about the first contest winner being introduced?Don't worry if you're a winner and you have yet to show up, the other two characters are going to be introduced sooner than you think!And as in soon, I might mean the next chapter ;).Anyway, I hope you enjoyed and please remember to comment, vote, and follow my profile!Have a wonderful day!
P.s Please check out my friends ZeniXIllustrations and DamienDM4

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