Chapter 6

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Y/N's Point of View: In the common room

We were both in the common room.We as in Hermione and I.Ronald and Harry won't let us leave until we make up.

It's been 10 one has spoken a word...

"Y/N, I'm sorry.What I did was really unlike me..."Hermione said finally catching the attention of everyone else in the room.I almost let my strict posture ease a bit, but I immediately stood strictly once more when I realized.She had to be sincere about this apology."Y/N, listen to me...please.I want to apologize.I feel really bad about what I did, a-and I know I shouldn't h-have broken our promise,b-but I was really jealous of what you and Harry had and-"before she could continue, I ran straight across the room to hug her.She seemed surprised at first but quickly hugged back fighting the tears that threatened to fall.

"Hermione it's ok!I'm sorry too!Please forgive me, I shouldn't have lost it yesterday!" we both start balling our eyes out."I-I forgive you Y/n!Do you forgive me?"'she says looking at me with pure sadness."Of course!I'll always forgive my BestFriend!"I cry even more.It got to the point where we couldn't stop crying and Harry and Ron had to break us apart to calm us separately.Ron taking Hermione to one end of the room, while of course; Harry takes me to the other.

Ron starts talking sweet nothings into Hermione's ears, while Harry just straight up kisses me...on the cheek(HA!).Either way, it was still distracting, and it managed to calm down.Once both me and Hermione finished with letting out our emotions, we both rush over to hug each other in laughter.

"Come on, you can't go out looking like that!Your hair's a mess!Let's wash it, and get it braided really quickly."(Let's just say the summer with Hermione's mother really...brought out the girly girl in you....I'm totally going to make you wear a cute dress every chance I have!You're lucky the school has a uniform!Sorry, I guess I wasn't special enough to be a tomboy like every other girl!)You say as you drag her towards the girl's bathroom inside the dormitory."Ok!"Hermione says excitedly.

"Gosh...Girls get caught up in their appearance way too much" Ron says to Harry.Before we were completely out of view from the two boys, Harry catches my attention.

"Um, we'll be heading to detention soon!" he yells, but we were already gone.

Time Skip-Brought by Draco's ten pounds of Hair Gel-(He's still cute though)

(Basically what ends up happening is Ron leaves detention with Mr.Filch on time, but Harry and Mr.Lockhart end up losing track of time.While Hermione and Ron try looking for him you were instructed to go to Minnie's office.)

You went to Minnie's office and it turns out that she actually wanted you to lead the Slytherin Table to their common room, none of the prefects were available at the time.You went to the Great Hall in front of the Slytherin table.

"Er, May I have your attention please?..." they didn't even look at you.You saw Draco staring at you.You walk your way over to him.

"Hey Draco?" you tap his shoulder softly hoping you could at least get his attention.

"Yes Y/N?" he swoons.Woah...I guess he actually does like me quite a bit...too bad I'm not looking for a relationship at all.

"I kind of need your-"

"Babies?Of course, come on.Don't be shy, It's my first time too!" says taking my hand about to get up, definitely getting way too excited.

"No!Draco, No!I need your help on getting the Slytherins to their common room!Please, I beg!" you almost screamed but before you could, you were happy to see that Draco got the message.

"Alright, my love!I'll always wait for you!I want you to be my first and only!*awkward silence*Uhm, listen up Slytherins!Follow the leader!Follow Y/N!" he yelled across the table.Everyone stood up and they lined up behind me(the best line you could make with an entire house of students).All the other houses do the same with their prefects.As we walk through the hallways almost meeting at the center of one of the intersections, Draco starts walking next to me a bit too close for my liking...I guess he is one of my closest friends though...Whatever.

We continue on our way almost reaching the intersection.Then it was Harry, Hermione, and Ronald.The three looking all too suspicious.I look up at the wall to see written in blood: The Chamber of Secrets has been opened, enemies of the heir beware...

I look up at the wall to see written in blood: The Chamber of Secrets has been opened, enemies of the heir beware

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Harry looks around and his eyes stop at me.

He starts approaching me quickly making me freeze in fear," Y/N it's not what it looks like!" before he could actually make it close to me Draco grabs my hand in protection pulling me behind him.I then just noticed that Mrs.Norris; Mr.Filch's cat was paralyzed on the wall.

"What's going on here?"Mr. Filch says making his way through the crowd.

Oh no.

"Potter..." he was about to say something else before he noticed Mrs.Norris."You-you killed my cat!I'll kill you!I'll kill you Potter!" you could basically see the heat radiating through his skull.Headmaster Dumbledor and a few other teachers made their way through the crowd in shock...Harry, what did you do?

A/N: Hello my little wizards!How is everyone doing?I just barely finished this chapter so I decided to update before I left for testing!Again, I have testing so If I miss a day please forgive me!Although I have testing I still will try to update, or even do a few hundred words a day.I promise you though no matter what the outcome, just know that it would be the best I could do.By the way, it looks like Draco's stepping up his A game for you...maybe a little bit too much!What do you think?Will you get together?Let me give you all a hint...comments on Chapter 5...Oh!One more thing!I would love to dedicate this Chapter to......Icey287!!!She has been a very active viewer recently and she deserves it!GoodBye, my little wizards!Have an absolutely wonderful day!

Word Count is 1001 words!

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