Chapter 10

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Y/N's Point Of View

I was walking towards the Great Hall when my wand started glowing a dark green.I looked at it to see the bottom of it glowing even more!It was glowing where all the ingredients to the potion were!That must mean that it's ready!

I speed walk my way over to the great hall.My eyes skimming over the Gryffindor table looking for Harry, Hermione, and Ronald.My eyes stopping on a patch of red hair.I quickly speed my way over to Ronald and Hermione.Ron was eating a drumstick, while Hermione was reading Hogwarts: A History again.

"Where's Harry?"I ask, taking a seat on the newly polished benches.Ronald jumps in fright, as I sit down beside him."Bloody Hell Y/N!Don't scare us like that!"Ronald yelps.Before any of us can continue the conversation Harry walks in the Great Hall, catching both Ronald and I's attention, Hermione still having her nose in her book.

"This is not good guys..."Harry starts, catching the attention of Hermione for once.Her brown eyes shining with sudden interest.

"What is it?"Ron continues his drumstick, his lips staining with grease."It's just that...Um...Someone's been petrified."

"What?How?"I ask in absolute shock.Someone has been petrified!Does that mean the students aren't safe anymore?Will Ms.McGonagall freak out later?Probably...

"I-I don't know.I had to pretend to go to sleep.Y/N, we need to get that potion over with.The sooner we know who it is, the faster we could actually do something."Harry states, his panic clearly showing.It was rather odd.Seeing Harry; the boy who lived in such concern.

I take out my wand, the light reflecting off its silver details.I look once more at the bottom, checking to see if the potion was really done, to be greeted by the same murky green at the bottom, glowing even brighter than before.
"That's actually what I wanted to talk to you about.I think the Polyjuice is finally done!We just need to get the hairs of the people we're transforming into, and drink!" you lean in closer to Hermione, expecting her to have a plan already.She usually does.

"Brilliant.Now, we just get the hairs...I already have mine.You two have to get some off Crabbe and Goyle, while you get some hair off Pansy Parkinson.I have something that can make things a bit easier.Follow me."Hermione stands up, the rest of us quickly following as she starts making her way out of the great hall.

We head inside the common room and follow Hermione up the stairs, about to go into the girl's dorms."You two wait out here."I snap when I see both boys get excited the closer we got to the door.They stayed back in disappointment, as we both entered the girl's dormitories.

"So...what do you have in mind?" I jump on my bed to see Snow was sleeping...It was kinda sad...We didn't spend much time with each other besides sleeping and getting ready.

"I had these biscuits prepared for when we needed to get the hairs.It should make whoever eats them unconscious, giving us a chance to get their hair without them waking up." she states while rummaging through her stuff, occasionally finding an extra Gryffindor tie."Hermione, never cease to amaze me!"

~Le Time Skip: Brought to you by sleepy cupcakes~

We all got our strands of hair, and I was actually doubting myself,

What if Draco was the heir?
What if Draco did want to hurt the Muggleborns.
What if he hurts Hermione?
What if that's the end of our relationship?

"Y/N!" I look over towards Hermione."Come on!The boys are probably getting impatient!"We head outside the Dorms to see Harry and Ron waiting impatiently."FINALLY!"


"Ok, all we need to do is fill the cauldron with water and we have our polyjuice potion!"Hermione starts filling the cauldron with steaming water.She laid the cauldron on the floor, looking at me with patience.She continues to look at me, looking...WHAT THE HELL DOES SHE WANT?

"Y/N?You can perform the spell now...You ok?"Harry asks putting his hand on my shoulder, zapping me out of my trance.

"Oh!Oh!Yeah!Let me just...ok."I start taking my wand out of my pocket, almost letting it drop multiple times in the process.I point directly in the steaming cauldron,"Aberto!"The cauldron starts filling up with fog and the water is soon replaced with a murky greenish brown.Hermione immediately fills up four of cups that she brought with her and gives us each one."Cheers..."

As I drunk the polyjuice I could feel lumps of liquid making their way down my throat.

I don't feel so well...

I quickly rush into one of the stalls, kneeling down, pulling my hair back as if I was going to throw up

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I quickly rush into one of the stalls, kneeling down, pulling my hair back as if I was going to throw up.But nothing came.I stood up, the wretched feeling soon leaving as I exit the stall to see Crabbe and Goyle....Harry and Ronald.

"Hermione?You good?"I ask, leaning my head on her stall door before I'm frightened by her voice."Go without me!I don't think I'm going!"

"But Hermione-"

"Go!You're wasting time!"

We quickly rush out of the bathroom.We started heading to the Slytherin Common Room when I realized...we don't know where it is!"Harry?How are we going to get in...if we don't even know where it is?" Harry and Ronald freeze.I guess they weren't aware of our predicament...

"What are you three doing out her?"A snappy voice rings through the hallway towards us, causing all three of us to flinch.We all look up to see Percy...What's got his panties in a twist?

"What are you-Ugh"Ron tried, but was immediately was elbowed by Harry."Crabbe?Goyle?What are you two doing out here?Pigging out in the Halls, I see...Pansy....Weasley, what'ya want?"

"What I want is for you and your posse to get into Slytherin Common Rooms."

"Yeah, alright"The four of us start following Draco, as he was the only one that actually knew where the Slytherin Common Rooms were...

...To be continued...

A/N: Hello my little wizards!How are you?Next chapter....things are going to go down!Two words...Contest Characters!Anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed!I know this chapter was a bit boring...I think so at least.Goodbye, my little wizards!P.S.This chapter was not edited.If you find any mistakes, please comment and I will definitely try fixing it.

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