REAL Chapter One

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Y/N's Point of View

I was currently with Hermione at Diagon Alley.I stayed the summer with her this year, and today was the day that we were supposed to get our new supplies.In fact, I actually needed a new wand.It broke...well it more like popped, according to Hermione's parents.(HAHA!TAKE THAT YOU PRETZEL LOVERS!)

"Why don't I go look for Ron and the Weasleys, while you go and get your new wand.Meet us at the bookstore when you're done."Hermione said.

"Alright, see you later then.Bye."I said skipping my way over to Ollivanders.

Woah!I can't believe it's been a year since I've last been here!Everything looks just like I left it.Except, for Uncle Malcolm and his terrible modern day acting attempts.

Once I reached my way over to Ollivanders I opened the store to see Mr.Ollivander rushing his way over.

"Ms.McGonagall!I'm glad you came actually!I'm going to assume that wand of your's finally exploded?"Mr.Ollivander asked with the most enthusiasm I've ever seen in him!

"Uh, yeah actually.How'd you know?"I ask mostly in shock and to be honest kinda creeped out.

"I was cleaning out a few wand reports when I noticed a rather oddly familiar wand on one of the forms!Half of those papers I have back there are reports about that wand I gave you!I assumed that it would only be a matter of time until I saw the last person I gave one to!Now, here.I decided that to make it up to you, and in honor of all those dead people, that I should make you a one of a kind!Here you go!Now, give it a flick exactly three times!

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I started doing what I was asked to do, but with a slight nervous feeling eating its way into my stomach

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I started doing what I was asked to do, but with a slight nervous feeling eating its way into my stomach.I guess ever since my wand blew up out of nowhere, I've been kinda weary about using one again...

I flicked it Once,


and Thrice!

The wand had a bright white light shine its way to to the tip until it dimmed out.

"Wonderful!In the wand industry that's a very good sign Ms.Mcgonagall.Now that it's completely connected to you, more about the wand!It only has the best of the best wizarding attributes of the century, including a new protection spell called The Loyal Guard!What it does is absolutely fascinating!If it senses that it's being used by anyone besides yourself with intentions that you wouldn't approve of it burns the user, and blocks their magical energy for the next 24 hours!There's so much more to it, but I'm afraid we've run out of time!If you have any further questions about the wand feel free to send me a message or come visit the shop!Off you go then!"He says shooing me out of the shop.

Wow...he really did talk a lot!Can my wand really do all that stuff?Cool!I can't wait to test it out!

As I walk my way to the bookstore I heard something that caught my attention.

"Harry Potter!" I heard a man yell.As soon as I heard it, I dashed my way into the bookstore hoping to find him.I push my way through the crowd, receiving a few smug looks from some older women in the process.I found The Weasleys, Hermione, and her parents.

"What took you so long!Where is it?You know what?Tell me later, look!Harry's taking a picture with the Gilderoy Lockhart!Isn't that amazing!" she basically screams the last part of her sentence.

Gilderoy Lockhart?Hm...I wonder who he is?Based on the way Hermione says his name in a sentence must make him someone important!Sometimes it could be very hard to impress that girl!

I look up to see what Hermione said was true!Harry!I haven't seen him since the train back last year!It kind of made me angry, but it was immediately covered by happiness!But then, It was covered by anger again when I remembered he didn't respond to any of me or Hermione's letters!

Ohoho!You just wait, Harry James Potter!When you aren't being seen by that dumb camera you'll surely wish you wrote back!

A/N: Hello my little wizards!I hope you guys aren't mad at me for that April fools joke I did!It was all fun and games!Anyway, I am proud to announce Chapter One of Harry Potter x Reader Year Two!This is probably going to be the most dramatic Year of them all in my opinion(and no, I will not give you a hint!)Also I would like to give a shout out to WeirdoWithAPurpose!They're awesome and I hope you go check them out!Remember to please vote,comment, and follow my page!It's deeply appreciated!Have a wonderful day my little wizards!Bye!

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