Chapter 9

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Y/N's Point of View

"Harry!" I almost jump out of my seat in terror.Harry was being chased by a bloody bludger!Is that even possible!?He immediately started flying away, however, was too slow and almost got caught.

"Yeah Y/N!Getting his attention helps a whole lot!"Ron yells.He whimpers right after when I gave him a death stare.

"Now is not the time to be spreading blame!We need to get Harry out of the field!" no one moved an inch."Now!" you command once more, causing Ronald to flinch.

"U-Uh, I'll stop it!"He says in pride, taking his wand out of his cloak before Hermione immediately stops him."No!Even with a proper wand it's too dangerous!You could hit Harry!"She states, looking back over to the scene.Harry then stops near Draco.They were talking.

Harry's Point of View

"Alright, there scar head?"Draco yells towards me, not aware of the bludger chasing me around.Before I could even speak back, a gold shimmer catches my eye.It was the snitch!Right behind...Draco's head.Great.

Y/N's Point of View

Harry zooms right past Draco!Wow, he actually ignored him for once!He starts going around in weird circles, and at this point, I don't even know what he's trying to do...Besides not get exploded by a rogue bludger.I continuously try looking for anything that could be making him act this way when I see it.He's going for the snitch!He continues to zoom and zoom and zoom!Draco immediately realizes that Harry was after the snitch and flew under the support beams chasing after him!Little did they know that the bludger followed them under!

I look across the field to see Minnie waving me over."I'll be right back!"I started to dash down the stairway hearing a muffled "Hurry back!", probably from Hermione.As I was rushing my way around to the stalls that the teachers sat on, I could hear the speaker; Lee Jordan start speaking again, this time with worry tainting his voice,"Oh no!It seems that both Seekers are causing the support beams to lose stability!Profesor McGonagall requests that Y/N McGonagall makes her way over to her immediately!"He yells, the worry only seeming to grow more and more the more he spoke.(That's a lot of more's lol)

Once I made it to the abrasive dark wooden planks Minnie had taken a seat on, she looked at me with a strict look.Her wooden black wand reflecting the sunlight, causing my eyes to flinch."Y/N!What took you so long!We need to go out on the field and place a spell on all the beams!If much more get destroyed, the field will fall apart!"She quickly rushes me over down onto the field with her, my hair swaying violently with the wind the brooms were causing.I look over to check on Harry and Draco again, to see they're still under the support beams before I help out Minnie put together the support beams one by one.

Before I knew it Harry and Draco came zooming up.However, Draco not in the way you'd expect.He came upwards already off his broom, and he fell on the floor.I could tell that his father was embarrassed from the disgusting look he gave.If I weren't busy right now, I would've gone over by now, but unfortunately, I was busy.

Harry still on the pursuit of the snitch starts catching up and starts reaching out to it.The round ball of heavy copper crashed it's way over to Harry's arm.Him being the strong...handsome...cute...beaut-I mean persistent boy he is, he reached with his other hand, but falls...the snitch gone...he caught it!Before I could celebrate the bludger continued to purge the stalls, to the point where Minnie got reallyyyy scared.
"Albus!"She yelped.Headmaster Dumbledore quickly stood up and flicked his wand, the entire stadium rebuilding itself in a matter of seconds.

If you could've done that earlier, that would've been great...

"Harry Potter has caught the snitch!Gryffindor wins!"Lee Jordan soon announced as a bunch of Gryffindors rushing down to greet Harry when the bludger came down, almost hitting backed up in time before Hermione came.She started panicking and couldn't find a spell to use."Hermione!Finite Incantatem!" I shouted to her, as I was too far to be able to cast the spell myself, still running my way over.

"Oh!Yeah!Finite Incantatem!"She repeats, a blazing streak leaving her wand, blowing the bludger into sparks.I immediately make my way over to him kneeling down on the green grass.He uses his left hand(the one that's not broken) and quickly places his pale hands on my cheek.I melt into it, while he leans up, and I start to lean in...

"Make way!I can fix it!"Professor Lockhart pushes me away with a swift movement and starts pointing his wand at Harry's arm.(HAHA!OH WELL!BLAME LOCKHART!)"Don't worry Harry I'll have your arm fixed in no time!" He says smiling.

Is it just me or does that get more annoying every time I see it?

"No, not you," Harry says hiding his terror, but I could still see some of his frightened self-seeping out.To this Profesor Lockhart laughs."Oh, poor boy doesn't know what he's talking about!Don't worry, just stay still!Brackium Emendo!" his arm quickly flops down slightly, as if it were some sort of rubber material.Growing Impatient I look over to see Draco was gone.I look back over to see everyone arguing."He's no bones left!"Hagrid yelled.Splendid Profesor Lockhart.Good Job!

A/N: Hello my little wizards!Sorry, this chapter was a bit late guys!I haven't read the book yet(which I am soon) and the movie was the only thing I had to reference.Then my phone wanted to be a jerk and didn't allow me to play the movie for like 4 hours!I know right!It was tough...Anyway...sorry for that unfulfilled kiss!I just had too!I thought it would be funny!By the way, I'm planning on making another book called Light Reaches Darkness, it's a Draco X Reader, I just wanted to give you Draco lovers something as well.How would you guys feel?Either way, I'm not going to start it in a while, because I want to do the first few chapters just in case!Anyways, I hope you enjoy and have a nice day!Goodbye, my little wizards!

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