Chapter 10-Part Two

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Y/N's Point of View

Draco brought us to the Slytherin Common room.It was silent as soon as we entered the dark lounge.The walls were like as if from a cave, and the lights had a shamrock green tint to them.We stood there, in the middle.While Draco took a seat comfortably, before giving us an odd scowl.

"Well sit down!"He told us.We immediately shifted to the dark leather sofa that was in front of us, the cold feeling from the leather seeping its way into my robe.

"You'd never know the Weasleys were purebloods the way they behave.They're a disgrace to the wizarding world.All of them,"Draco spits out, his hatred noticeable in the way he talks.From the corner of my eyes, I could see Crabbe-or Ron clenching his fist.It was hard to tell who had more anger in them, Draco or Ronald!

"What's wrong with you Crabbe?"Draco asks, Ron's dreadful gaze not ceasing until Harry and I give him a gentle (not really) nudge with our elbows."Huh?Oh, stomach ache." his dead stare turning into a pitiful one.

"So,"Harry starts clearly not sure where to start,"Do you have any Idea of who the heir is?"He blurts out, not so soon after covering his mouth, in terror.Ron and I both going wide-eyed.

Does he want us to get caught?!

Draco gives him an unusual look."I've told you, No...How many times do we have to tell you?My dad's never told me who's opened it fifty years ago.He did tell me that the heir was never caught...It's about time something's done about all the mudbloods in this school.I personally think that Granger should be the first victim."Ron and I almost stand up in anger, but we're both held down by Harry immediately.

"Huh..." Draco mutters, giving him a look that told all of us that he couldn't believe what he was seeing.He starts walking to us, more to me...or Pansy.

"Pansy...I've never seen you so quiet.Is there something you wanted to tell me?Perhaps, your dumb crush on me has finally ended?"He comes closer to me, closer, and closer, and closer.To the point, where are faces were centimeters apart.I could see Harry having trouble restraining himself next to me.I simply nod, as I swallow the knot that was in my throat.

Oh my God!He's really close...Is he going to?

"How sad.In fact, I was wondering if I could do...this,"He quickly leans in.

!!!!What do I do!If I break the kiss...he'll know something's up...I guess...I have to.

His lips continue to bond with mine, warm and in sync.It was like we were the only ones in common room...Like if the icy cold environment, was quickly replaced with love, and warmness.Am I liking this?

I open my eyes to see Harry closing his eyes in terror, but that wasn't all.His scar!It was coming back!I look over to Ron to see his long Red hair slowly returning as well.Along with my H/C hair!I quickly stop the kiss and push back taking Harry and Ron with me."Wha-"

Draco's Point of View

"Just like last month..."

Y/N's Point of View

"You kissed him!"Harry yells at me, face full of shock as we enter the bathroom."Well yeah, If I didn't Draco would've known that it wasn't Pansy!" I didn't yell, but you could hear the anger radiating through my voice.Before we could continue our little argument, we were interrupted by Ronald's whining.

"Uh, guys?What about Hermione?"We both look over at Ron to see him and Myrtle were looking into Hermione's stall.Ron with absolute terror planted on his face, and Myrtle laughing her face off.

Myrtle laughing...this cannot be good...

I walk over to Hermione's stall, with Harry following right behind me.I stop and look inside to see....Hermione's a cat!

"L-Look at me...It was cat's hair that I plucked off her Robes!Look at my face!"She screeches, in terror.

"Look at your tail!"Ron exclaims pointing at her bottom end."Hey!Watch it Ronald!"I quickly snap at him, pinching his side.



I woke up, sweat running down my forehead, and my chest rising and sinking at rapid rates.

Must've had a nightmare...

I start doing my normal routine, which isn't much.I normally just brush my hair, put on my uniform, and walk down the stairs with Hermione with Ron and Harry waiting for us.Then we would walk for around 15 minutes until class starts.Unfortunately, though, Hermione was in the Hospital Wing recovering from the polyjuice incident.

I walked down the stairs, into the common room, shocked to see only Ron was waiting for me."Good Morning Ronald!Have you seen Harry?"I skip down the stairs, causing him to look up with a warm smile.Must've been boring waiting with nobody to talk to...

"I-I don't know...Listen, I have to see Professor McGonagall this morning to bring up my test grade so I can't walk with you today.Maybe you should see Hermione?See how she's doing?"Ron suggests.

Hm, Odd that Ron wants to actually stay with a teacher....never thought I'd see the day!
"Oh, ok...Bye then."He leaves and I leave a bit after, going the opposite direction Ron should've gone.As I turn the corner, my heart shatters.I could feel it.It felt terrible.The happiness was ripped out of me.My soul leaving my body.My legs trembling.My breath, hitching.Stopping.My hands failing to continue to hold my books.They drop, causing the kissing Harry and...Ms. Green to break apart in shock.Harry immediately trying to say something but was held down by Ms.Green kissing him again.I pick up my stuff in a rush.My tears slowly, and one by one.Falling.

How could he...

A/N:....I love you guys?I'm sorry!It was the only way!I know!I know!I shouldn't have!But it was part of the story!I needed a bit of Drama!I love you guys so much and please don't kill me!I beg!Hey!Look if you kill me now, then there is no one to continue this story!And then you'll have to live stuck in heartbreak!Ha!I thought so!Anyway, I hope you guys have had a wonderful day...or are going to have one (depending on what time you read this) and I hope you enjoyed getting your heart crushed into smithereens!Goodbye, my little wizards!

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