Chapter 2

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"What's up 2016 it's ya girl Melanie coming at you in bed."

I licked my lips and looked at Kalin who just woke up as well.

"It is August 21st 8 in the morning, I'm gonna start schoolwork in about an hour or two uhm but I wanted to vlog and see how it goes so right now we're going to shower and get ready for our day today."


"Okay so I just finished schoolwork and Kalin is at Bari's picking him up so while he's gone I think ima go for a walk because exercise is good."

I paused the camera and started walking upstairs and as I did Kalin and Bari walked in.



I giggled and walked back downstairs.

"Hi handsome."

"Hey gorgeous."

Kalin kissed me. We pulled away.

"Hey Bari."

"What's up."

"Baby I'm sorry I know you and Bari just got home but can we please make that video now?"

He looked at me. I gave him my pleading eyes.

"Yes we can make it."


He pecked my lips.

"Come on."

We all walked upstairs.

I set up the camera and lights in the room for my videos.

Kalin sat on the couch and so did I. Bari stayed behind the camera.

"Okay go."

"What's up 2016 it's ya girl Melanie and I am here with my fiancé Kalin White."

"What's up!"

I smiled.

"So today's video is definitely different then anything you've seen on my channel, today's video is announcing and explaining some things and just talking with you guys and updating you on our personal lives right now so let's get to it."

I bit my lip.

"So I am super excited to say that Kalin and I are bringing in a baby to our family. We are pregnant and we're both super excited to go through this with each other."

I looked at Kalin, he looked at me.

"What're your thoughts baby cakes?"

He looked at the camera but I continued looking at him.

"I am super excited to be adding a baby to our developing family especially because his mother is the love of my life, but the thought of being a father is kinda scary to be honest."

I nodded in agreement.

"But it's also a really cool feeling, my dad wasn't really there for me much and it sucked so I want my child to know I'll always be there and just give him the father I never got."

He looked at me.

"I agree *looks at camera* my mother was very abusive and honestly I never knew what real love felt like until I met Kalin and I don't want our son going through what I went through so I'm excited to have a chance at being a mother."

"You guys thought we were pranking you on Instagram, well some of you did but that's not at all it, we really are pregnant and if you still think this is a prank then just wait in 6 months when we have a baby or even when her stomach gets bigger."

"Okay so next we wanted to update you guys on the wedding, those of you who do believe us about our pregnancy was asking if we're pushing back the wedding and the answer is no."

"So the doctor gave her the due date of February 1st so by the time we get married our son will be 5 months old and we have found a way to put him in the wedding which gives me one less thing to stress about because I have to plan this, but he will for sure not be a push back for our wedding."

I nodded.

"Our baby is just one more guest at the wedding and I promise you guys nothing will stop us from getting married to each other."

We both nodded in agreement.

~ end of video ~

"So that is our update/announcement for you guys."

"We wanna thank you so much for all your love and support, we do realize our ages and stuff we are aware of the fact that we have moved fairly quickly in our relationship but we are totally in love, I found the love of my life and so I'm excited for everything we have to look forward to in our future."

"He's right, you guys were there at the beginning of us and you guys will be there at the end, no matter what we will still continue to work hard for you guys and make sure we keep giving good content, we love you guys so much and we give you guys a huge thank you for everything y'all have done for us."

"So until next time we love you guys, thank you so much for everything."

"Oh also, Kalin and I are going to be making a channel together so videos with us in them will be on that channel which we will be uploading a video onto that one the same time this video comes out so yeah we love you so much!"


We kissed the camera and then stopped it.

"Alright last video babe then I wanna show Bari, Kadences room."

I nodded.

~ after the video ~

"Alright let's go see my nephews room."

We all stood up and walked into Kadences room.


"You guys did this by yourselves?"

"Well my dad and his mom helped out and I helped by staying out of the way."

We all giggled.

"This is amazing, I love his room."

I smiled.

"Me too."

Mommy To Kason Fiancé  To Kalin ( Book 4 ) Where stories live. Discover now