Chapter 9

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I woke up this morning in Kalin's arms.

He turned his alarm off.

We decided not to go to Disneyland, I wouldn't be able to do much there anyways so we're just going to drive out to Miami instead.

We both got out of bed.

He threw on some boxers, sweats and a hoodie.

I put on joggers and a hoodie also and put my hair in a messy bun.

I put on a little makeup, just some eyeliner and mascara.

"Baby let's go."

"Okay I'm coming."

I grabbed everything I need and followed him out too the car. We got in, he already had everything set up.

I buckled up and he started driving.

"Babe, you've been studying right?"

"For what?"

"To get your permit."


"Good because you might have to drive, this trip is 39 hours long."

"What I can't drive yet and I don't wanna take chances let's just get a hotel whenever you get super tired."

He glanced at me.

"Alright that works."

He laced our fingers together.

I yawned and got on Instagram, I saw my sneaky husband posted a picture from our wedding yesterday with the caption

'Finally got to marry my best friend 😘😍💍 babe thank you so much for such an adventure ❣💓 I'm so excited to see what the future has in stock for Kason , you and I 😍🙏 you make me the happiest man alive 😊 I'm so blessed to have such a beautiful , sweet , kind , amazing , perfect woman for a wife ❤️💝❣❣ I love you beautiful ! ❤️'

I smiled and commented

'I love you too handsome 😍🙏❣'

"Dam baby I miss performing for the fans."

"You just performed as an opening act for me babe what're you talking about."

"I know, but I don't know it was so fun I miss it."

He smiled.

"I know I miss it sometimes too."

~ first stop ~

We stopped at this gas Walgreens in Vegas because the baby and I are wanting some snacks.

We stopped at a Walgreens by Sam's Town.

"Dam ima see my ex best friends mom here baby."

"What happened to y'all?"

"I ran away, I miss her, Bella and I are sisters we aren't best friends so I need a new best friend."

"Maybe she's here."

"Ion know."

We laced fingers and walked inside.

We walked to the chip isle.

"Is that Melanie?"

I looked in the direction my name was said. I gasped when I saw my ex best friend.

Tears welled my eyes.

"Oh my god!"

I covered my mouth, she started walking to me, I walked up to her as well.

We hugged. I held onto her.

We pulled away after a few minutes.

"Oh my gosh I can't believe it's really you!"

I smiled and wiped my eyes.

"Congratulations on everything!"

"Thank you!"

I looked at her boyfriend, he's like my big brother.

We hugged.

"Gosh we miss you!"

"I miss you guys too!"

I looked at Kalin.

"Honey come here."

He walked over to me.

"What's up baby?"

"Okay babe this is my ex best friend Cassidy and her boyfriend Michael, Cassidy, Michael this is my husband Kalin."

"Nice to meet you."

"You too."

He shook hands with both of them.

"Husband? Since when?"

"Yesterday, we're on our honeymoon right now, we're driving out to Miami."

"Oh wow congrats."

"Thank you."

"You're welcome, you should come visit us, I miss you, I wanna be your best friend again."

"Dude I want you to be my best friend again, we had so much fun."

"For real."

I looked at Kalin.

"Can we make that possible baby?"

He looked down at me.

"Yeah we can make that happen."

I smiled.

He wrapped his arm around me.

"Here give me your number and let's take a picture because we're back to being best friends."


"Be quick baby, I wanna be able to get to New Mexico before 4."


We exchanged numbers and got like 3 pictures.

"Okay, I'll text you best friend!"

"Okay best friend!"

Her and Michael then left.

I smiled, we got chips and drinks.

"Baby can I go say hi to her mom?"

"Yeah make it quick though honey I really wanna get to New Mexico and get a hotel."


I walked to where her mom works.

She looked at me and gasped.

I saw the tears in her eyes.

"Oh my gosh."

She came around and hugged me.

I smiled, the baby kicked her causing her to gasp.

"Oh my gosh you're pregnant! You're alive!"

I hugged her so tight.

We pulled away.

"I'm alive, pregnant, married!"

"Oh my goodness congratulations!"

"Thank you! I sent you guys invitations to my wedding I was sad you didn't come!"

"I'm sorry honey we didn't get any invitations."

"It's fine I'm renewing my vows in July, I'll send more invitations to that and when my son is born I'll tell you guys, I just saw Cassidy we're best friends again."

"Okay good and yes we'll come when's you're due date?"

"February 1st."

"Wow you're almost ready to pop."

"I am, we're so excited."

"Good, I'm so happy to see you are you in town for long?"

"No we're on our honeymoon, this is my husband Kalin, hubby this is Selena she was and is one of the mom figures in my life."


"How's it going?"

"Good, I'm so happy for you honey!"

"Thank you!"

"Of course!"

"We gotta get going but I'll see you after my honeymoon when we come home!"

"Okay I'll be looking forward to it!"

"Me too!"

We hugged then babe and I paid for our things and left.

"Sorry that took long baby."

"It's fine, I loved seeing you so happy."

I smiled.

"I love you."

"I love you too, you wanna get some In n Out?"

"There's no In n Outs on our way out of here."

"I know I mean for later when we see one."

"Oh yeah sure."


~ Dallas Texas ~

We've been driving for 20 hours and it's time for us to get a hotel. We're in Dallas we're gonna get a hotel and then start driving again tomorrow.

He pulled into The Warwick.

Once he turned the car off we got out and walked inside. We got our hotel room then went up to it getting into it.

"Stay here ima bring in our bags."


He kissed me, we pulled away and he went to the car.

I closed the door when he left and checked out the room. I grabbed my phone and saw Cassidy was texting me.

'Best friend did you get to the hotel?'

'We sure did lol, he went to get the bags, the room is so nice dude'

'Awe hehe good, girl I was so sad when you left but I was happy you finally got out of there.'

I smiled.

'Thanks, I missed you, I invited you guys to my wedding but your mom said you guys never got any invitations'

'Oh we did but we thought it was the wrong address lol so we put it back in the box, dang that makes me so mad I didn't know it was your wedding, I'm sorry.'

'It's cool, your mom said you guys will come down when Kason ( my son ) is born and for when we renew our vows in July.'

'We'll be down there in March to for Vacation, it'll be me, Michael, his cousin Toby and his girlfriend.'

'Ooooh well I'll be down to show you guys around lol'

'That'd be cool, girl you and Kalin should join us, we all can turn up having fun as couples n doing what couples do.'

I smiled. There was a knock on the door. I got up and saw it was my baby.

I let him in. He set the bags by the bed and I shut the door.

After I locked it I laid back down and texted Cassidy.

'Omg dude let me ask him if you guys can stay with us in March that would be so fucking perfect, he should be down for it also!'

"Who you texting?"

"Cassidy, baby they're gonna come out in February when Kason is born, then in March but it's gonna be Cassidy, her boyfriend, her boyfriends cousin and his girlfriend, can they stay with us? She said she wants you and I to join them on their couple trip."

"Yeah they can stay with us and I'm down for that, but who's gonna watch Kason and will they be okay sleeping in a house with a newborn?"

"Let me ask her and we might have to bring him along."

"Talk to her about it honey, I'm down for it but if Kason is a problem then no."

"Okay let me ask her."

'Dude he said yes but in March when you guys come out I should have my son by then, he's gonna be waking up in the night and we can't leave him home alone, is Kason going to be a problem for you guys?'

After I texted her I locked my phone and looked at my hubby.

He came and laid next to me.

"I miss laying on top of you."

"I know I miss laying on top of you too."

I smiled.

He kissed my forehead.

My phone went off, I grabbed it and saw she texted back.

'We doubt he'll be a problem, we'll stay there and then we all can go out and have fun and if he does become a problem for us then we'll get a hotel we should be good though.'

'Okay, the guests bedrooms are downstairs and we'll be upstairs you probably won't even hear him so he shouldn't bug you guys.'

'Oh then we'll be perfect haha, tell Kalin thank you so much we appreciate it so much!'

"Cassidy says Kason won't be a problem and thank you so much they appreciate it so much."

"Tell her welcome and no problem."

'He said welcome and no problem!'

I then locked my phone and looked at him.

He was falling asleep.

I smiled, my phone went off, it as her.

'Okay, girl I'm sleepy ima sleep goodnight!'

'Girl same lol goodnight!'

I got up and dressed in pajamas and then took my makeup off, and put my phone on the charger. I shut off the light and laid next to my sleeping husband.

He woke up long enough to get under the covers and wrap his arm around me. He knocked back out, I soon fell asleep after him.

Mommy To Kason Fiancé  To Kalin ( Book 4 ) Where stories live. Discover now