Chapter 6

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Right now Kalin is in a radio interview with me.

It's his interview but they keep getting my word with things so it's kind of turned into our interview.

"Kalin you've become such a big hit and you're doing so good for someone who's only 21, how do you feel you're getting married, having a baby and your career is just sky rocketing out of this planet."

I looked at Kalin. He smiled.

"It's crazy uhm I never thought I would be here at this moment in life so soon and now that I am I wouldn't change it for the world, uhm I'm super proud of myself, I feel like I have the perfect crew with me on my journey, I got the love of my life who's carrying our son, my mom and family it's I'm living the dream honestly."

I smiled.

"Awe, what about you Melanie, his career is taking off, how do you feel about all of this."

"I'm so proud of him honestly like he works hard for not only his fans but for our son and I and it's amazing, he supports the baby and I and the baby already loves his daddy too death and I don't know if you have kids or your wife is pregnant or whatever but when your wife is pregnant she becomes even more to handle so I know we for sure stressed him out but he still came out with an amazing project and I'm just so proud of you and thankful for everything you've done for our family."

"That's sweet, I really love you guys and your relationship, how does your mom feel about all of this?"

I looked at her and motioned her to come in here.

I took the headphones off and stood up letting her sit down.

She sat down and put the headphones on Kalin motioned for me to come over to him so I did.

I had a hand on my belly.


It's almost Halloween, I'm so excited.

We just got to dinner after Kalin's second solo concert.

I'm so proud of him!

I stood up to make a toast.

"Today and yesterday was 2 very big days for Kalin and his career and I think I speak for everyone when I say I'm so proud of you! Babe not only have you blessed me with the real meaning of love, but you've also blessed me with the best year and 2 months of my life, you've become not only my fiance and father to my son but you've become my best friend. Watching you through YouTube and Livestreams and seeing your bus parked and you guys in concert and supporting you from my room and just anywhere and everywhere is so different then actually being able to tell you face to face how proud of you I am, you've accomplished so much in just 5 short years and to be able to be called your fiance and to be able to be the mother to your kid I couldn't ask for anything better. Congratulations on your biggest break ever! I love you so much honey! Here's to Kalin and how hard he's worked not only for his family and friends but for his fans!"

"To Kalin!"

He smiled and looked up at me.

"Thank you everyone."

"You're welcome my love."

I sat back down next to him, he kissed me and put his hands on my belly.

After we ate Kalin stood up to make a toast also.

"I just wanna thank all of you, you've had my back since day 1 and helped me get through some tough times, I gotta send the most love out to my mom and my fiance, you two have really been there for me when I needed you guys the most, I've never felt so much love in my life and I'm glad I get it from you guys. I wanna thank my mom for bringing me into this beautiful world and for loving me through all my mistakes, you were there when my dad left, you were there through my first heartbreak, you've been there through everything and I'm so lucky to have such a beautiful short loving mother."

We all giggled, momma and I had tears in our eyes.

"But seriously thank you so much mom, my love for you is endless there's no words that will ever come close to explain how thankful for you and how much I love you."

I wiped my tears away.

"I love you too son."

His mom stood up and hugged him.

"I also gotta thank my baby girl, baby not only have you showed me true love, but you've also supported me and been there for me no matter what, we've been through a lot, people have tried to break us up, we've both been super busy, I know that's been me lately but I'm marrying you in less than a month and I'm so excited for it. The thought of being with you for the rest of my life I'll admit was scary at first but now I'm super ready to have you forever. I love having someone who supports what I do and someone who keeps me going and you're blessing me with a son. I'm so in love with you and no one and nothing will ever change that. Thank you so much for being one of the only ones who believed in me and for being there when I felt like I have no one, you are the love of my life and I love you so much my beautiful princess."

Tears were streaming down my face at this point.

I stood up and hugged him, he hugged me tight but not to tight due to my son. I'm about to be 24 weeks pregnant on the 1st and my belly is fairly huge at the moment.

Anyways, he wiped my tears away and kissed me.

"I love you too my handsome prince."

He kissed me again and we sat back down.

I sniffed and wiped my eyes.


Today is October 30th.

We're decorating for Halloween.

He's putting spider webs on the windows and I'm putting pumpkins around the house.

We had family over yesterday carving them and now we're decorating the house with them and other things.

"Baby can you come hold the ladder?"

"Let me get up there baby."


He came and put the pumpkin up in the spot.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome."

Kameron started acting up.

"Oh my goodness I can not wait until February."

Kalin and I giggled.

"Baby were getting married in less then a month."

"I know it's crazy how far we've come in our relationship pooh bear."

"I can't imagine being here with anyone else."

"Me either."

He wrapped his arms around my neck, mine around his waist.

"I love you so much honey."

"I love you so much pooh bear."

He kissed me and we went back to decorating.

Mommy To Kason Fiancé  To Kalin ( Book 4 ) Where stories live. Discover now