Chapter 20: Balloon Tag

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Chapter 20: Balloon tag

We trot through the door and go outside, the air rushing through my mane. The breeze is a bit chilly; maybe I should have brought a scarf or top. “Ok everypony, I made up this game up myself” says Pinkie Pie, there is a sigh of relief all through the crowd. I guess they did not know the game ether. “Here are the rules so listen up everypony because I am only saying them once unless somepony asks” she says, we all start laughing.

 “Ok, we all start out with a bag of balloons per team. Then in the groups we go and find a hideout, when the bell sounds to start you can go out anywhere. After about ten minuets the bell will ring again indicating the start. Your mission is to blow up a balloon but not tie it, and then point it at someone in another team. You then let the balloon fly at them. If you don’t get them then they can run away or try to shoot you with a balloon. If you do get them they have to freeze, then you take them to your base. The only way they can get out is if the rest of their team comes and tags them with a balloon again. You should crouch down and try to stay hidden to tag ponies with the balloons. After half an hour the bell will ring again and the wining team is the one that has the most players captured. Ok you have five minutes to pick a team and get your bag of balloons. The balloons are in the basket here. Go!” exclaims Pinkie Pie.

The outside is filled with noisy ponies and I see Light and Apple Jack next to me. “Do you want to team up?” I ask them, “sure thing” says Light, “ok” says Apple Jack. I go and get a bag of balloons then rush back to Light and Apple jack, I do not want to loose them.

“Ummm, Princess Luna could I please, if you wouldn’t mind, be on your team, I’m a bit nervous” asks Fluttershy as she walks up to me. “Why, of course you can” I say, “Thank you” she replies. We all group up and I look at the other teams. There are lots of ponies that want to play this game; I have not seen this place so full. I see Pinkie Pie looking at the teams and checking that they have their balloons. She bounces up to us, “hmm you ponies look a bit short on players, can I join your team?” exclaims Pinkie Pie. “Why, sure thing Pinkie” says Apple Jack as Pinkie Pie bounces up and down with joy. “Ok everypony the teams are counted, now when the bell goes off we can st-” starts Pinkie Pie but is interrupted by a loud bell ringing. “GO!” she yells out. The outside fills up with noise again and we start walking off to look for a base, this is gonna be so much fun.

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