Tobi: Blessed

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(Requested by Winniepeg123 😄 really cute idea)

I put my hands on my knees, trying to catch my breath, which was hard whilst I was trying not to laugh at the same time. The sun was shining between the trees, warming up my legs and my arms.
"(Y/N)! Come on!" A voice shouted. I looked to see my best friend Manny gesturing me over to a clearing by the trees which would lead to a large field by our houses.
"Manny!" I groan trying to breathe. Manny just chuckles before running through the clearing, making me run behind him.
"Come on slow poke!" Manny laughs running ahead. I shift pass some low hanging branches and into the long grass of the field. I shake my head laughing as I begin to run faster hoping to catch Manny up.
"There you are!" A voice exclaims on the other side of the field. I ran beside Manny as we looked at the source of the voice; Tobi, Manny's older brother.

I was very close to Tobi, having grown up with Manny and knowing him since I was very small it meant that I grew close to both Tobi and Jedd too. I had memories of the four of us running around this exact field, laughing until it hurt, always admiring how cool Tobi was. Even though Manny was my best friend I was glad I was close with Tobi and Jedd too.

  "Come on, Mum says it's time for dinner." Tobi smiled as Manny and I reached the other side of the field. I frequently stayed over at Tobi and Manny's house since we were always together.
  "Why you out here looking for us?" Manny scoffs with a smirk as we begin walking in the direction of our houses. Tobi wraps his arm around Manny's shoulder.
  "Because, little bro, in a rough area like this place even I worry. I'm always gonna be protective of you and Jedd," Tobi says seriously my heart melted. "That includes you, (Y/N). You're practically family."
  "Thank you Tobi." I smiled as he winked at me.
  "I'll always be here for you guys."

*10 years later*

I placed the keys on the table and looked around for any sign of him. I wasn't due to be home for another hour, but since my meeting finished early I thought we could go out to lunch together. He should be home.

"James?" I called as I walked into the kitchen. He wasn't there. I walked over to the cupboard and pulled out a glass, making myself a glass of water. I popped my head into the living room, nothing. I plumped up the messy cushions and placed the TV remote on the coffee table so it wouldn't be lost again. "James?" I called again, hoping to see my boyfriend.

I began walking up the stairs, taking a sip of my water as I reached the top. "James?" I sighed walking towards my bedroom door. I heard quiet chuckling and talking, presumably coming from the TV. So he was home?

"James?" I said as I opened the bedroom door. My heart went into overdrive, my eyes widening and my body frozen. My glass dropped to the floor, shattering into a thousand pieces. My hands were trembling, I was struggling to breathe.
"(Y/N)?! What are you doing home?!" James exclaims as he stares at me shocked.
"J-James...what-what the fuck are you doing?" I stuttered, unable to form the words. He sat there like an idiot, trying to cover himself up on the duvet, a blonde girl wrapping herself up too, both embarrassed and surprised.
"It's not what it looks like!" The cliche line hits me, making me sure that this is actually happening to me.
"What the fuck is it then?! You're cheating on me?!" I screamed as he sighed heavily.
"No, babe! Well yeah but-"
"How could you do this to me? I thought you loved me?" I trembled still unable to move from shock.
  "I do...I did, but things have changed. You're always working or with the boys. You never have time for me anymore!" He complains. The cheek of this bastard! How dare he?!
  "Excuse me? I'm a YouTuber, with a fanbase, I have to work, James! As for always being with the boys, they're my best friends and I work with them! You may not understand since you're always sat in a stupid office, gawping over that slut there!" I growled angrily. The girl looked upset and tried to hide her face in the duvet but I really couldn't care if she was hurt.
  "Yeah that's right! I know she works with you, you piece of shit! All those "late nights" and "extra hours" when in reality I know what you were doing...or should I say who." I huffed glaring at her. The tears were filling up in my eyes, this was all hurting too much.
  "I'm sorry, okay? I think it's best if we break up." James spoke as the tears were flooding down my face.
  "Oh trust me dickhead it's over!" I screamed stepping over the broken glass yards and running down the stairs. I grabbed my jacket from the bannister and slammed the door shut, tears still rolling down my cheeks and my emotions high.

Where was I supposed to go now? What was I supposed to do? I can't go back to my apartment because knowing myself I'll just sit there and drown myself in my own tears and my weight in Ben and Jerry's ice cream over a pathetic low-life. I can't go back there just yet and be alone. I needed somewhere to vent, get closure. There was only one place; Manny's. I knew he would gladly welcome me since we're still best friends and see each other every day anyway. He was always telling me how much of a prick James was. Why didn't I listen to him?

I wiped away my tears as I approached the front door of Manny's house. Hopefully he was home. Please be home. I breathed silently before knocking on the door, hoping he'd envelope me in a hug and tell me everything was going to be okay, that I didn't need any man like that in my life...but instead there stood Tobi. He was definitely not expecting to see me, especially in this state. Tobi and I had remained extremely close friends growing up, I still saw him all the time, but I didn't think I'd see him here.

  "(Y/N)?" He asked as more tears rolled down my cheeks. I didn't even hesitate so I just hugged him tightly, not wanting to let go and return to the mess that was my life. "Ssssh. What's wrong, why are you crying?" He asked gently stroking my hair.
  "I-I'm so sorry Tobi, I shouldn't be here. I thought Manny was going to be home." I sobbed into Tobi's chest.
  "Sssssh, it's alright beautiful, come on." He soothed me. "The house is full at the moment, Jedd's friends are over. Come with me, I'll make sure everything's okay." He whispered closing the door and taking my hand.

He took me to the field. The same field we practically grew up in. I hadn't been here in years, it looked pretty much the same. The grass was still overgrown, the forest still had the same clearing. I'd missed it. The nostalgia made me forget the pain.

  "You gonna tell me what's wrong?" Tobi asked as he wrapped an arm around my shoulder. My tear stained cheeks and puffy eyes made me look a complete mess.
  "You really wanna know?" I sniffed as we walked toward the forest.
  "Of course I do. Like I always say, you're as close as family and I will protect you." He smiled kindly. Even just being around Tobi I felt a million times better.

Tobi cleared the low branches out of the way as we walked into the entrance of the forest. The sun was slowly setting, the beams shining through the gaps in the trees, just like it used to. This horrible day would soon be over.

  "James was cheating on me." I said bluntly, the pain pulsating through me just saying those words. Tobi stopped walking and turned back.
  "He was what?"
  "He er, he was cheating on me." I repeated.
  "Fucking hell. I'm so sorry (Y/N)! I knew he was a dickhead, Manny and I both agreed you were too good for him." Tobi frowns.
  "Clearly not. I was clearly not worth his time." I sighed.
  "Hey! Don't ever say that! You're too good for him (Y/N), you deserve better! You don't need that prick in your life! You're a beautiful, strong, independent woman and a prick like James doesn't deserve a beautiful soul like you." Tobi spoke, honesty bursting from his words.
  "Thanks Tobi." I muttered. "Really, thank you."
  "Come here!" He says pulling me into a tight warm hug. "I believe that God blesses everyone in some way. Whether that be a big way or a small way, he blesses everyone. I believe that he blessed me massively."
"Oh really? How so?" I question as Tobi releases from the hug.
"He blessed me with you."

Then I felt his lips on mine, gentle and caring. His hands caressing my cheek, his arm wrapped around my waist. The thoughts of James out of my mind. My stomach tying in knots from the nerves and my head spinning. The usual cliche romantic movie stuff. I knew all along I had made a mistake. James wasn't the one, Tobi was. And in that moment I knew, everything was going to be okay.

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