Pref: Little One.

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You were blessed with a beautiful son. He had Vik's deep brown eyes and your nose. Vik stayed by your side the entire time, trying to explain different labour techniques and coping mechanisms he had researched endlessly. They didn't help, bless him but you were thankful for the help anyway. Your baby boy was the spitting image of Vik, which you were thrilled about. Vik was so proud of you.

Eli Barn.


Of course, Josh was now actually a dad. Daddy Josh for real this time. Josh was holding your hand throughout the birth, telling you to squeeze his hand every time you felt a contraction. His hand was now blue, but he didn't mind. You had brought his daughter into the world and he couldn't love you both more if he tried. She had your eyes and Josh's gorgeous brunette hair. She was a beauty. Josh held her securely, cooing at her and grinning widely.

Esme Bradley.


Tobi was so excited. A smile never left his face. He had always dreamed of being a father and now he was, to two beautiful babies. Twins. Your miracles. Tobi cried when he held your son and even more when he held his daughter. He couldn't be happier. He kissed their foreheads tenderly, singing to them and kissing you, thanking you for blessing him with two healthy children. He loved you and he loved his twins. He was blessed.

Theo and Maya Brown.


It was safe to say that Harry was terrified about becoming a father, especially so young, but he instantly fell in love when he held his son in his arms. He cried. He felt embarrassed but he didn't care. He had his beautiful boy and he hadn't got a care in the world. He kissed you so many times you had lost count. As soon as your baby was born, Harry ran around the hospital searching for a teddy or something. He returned with a baby blue elephant which your son still has to this day. Harry was a good father in the end, he just needed to believe in himself.

Noah Lewis.


JJ screamed the hospital down, more than you did. He couldn't help himself. He wanted to scream from the rooftops the fact that he had just become a dad. Nothing was going to stop his love for the pair of you. He held you and your child closely, not being able to believe how lucky he was. JJ seemed immature all of the time, but he vowed to always love and protect the pair of you. You, his beautiful love and your stunning baby girl.

Ayda Olatunji.


Ethan brushed the stray hair from your face as you gave birth. He whispered things to you, trying to calm you down. He believed in you. As you held your beautiful son in your arms you watched as Ethan chuckled to himself. He was so proud of you. Ethan's mum visited and cried with happiness, always being so incredibly proud of Ethan and you. She loved her grandson. Ethan kissed you and whispered, 'I love you' as you watched you son gently fall asleep.

Oscar Payne.


A C-section birth scared the hell out of you, but Simon assured you that you would be okay. He held your hand as you stared up at the ceiling, his eyes smiling down at you. Simon was more than ready to be a father. He supported you entirely, sometimes a bit too much, but he wanted you and the unborn baby to be happy and comfortable. As your bundle of joy came into the world, only Simon could see. You saw his eyes fill with tears and a large grin spread across his face. He kissed your forehead and handed you your baby. The baby wrapped his hand around Simon's little finger. Simon told you he loved you several times as he tried to hide his crying once again.

Junior Minter


Manny tried his best to learn everything there was to do with being a dad. He spent countless nights staying up and talking to his brother, asking for advice and researching fatherly tips. He wanted to show everyone he would be a brilliant dad, and he was. He held your baby girl tight against his chest, pouring all of his love into her stunning brown eyes. She had Manny and Tobi's features, that's for sure. Manny kissed his daughter on her temple, silently thanking the lord for his princess.

Lila Brown.


Chris made sure you were ready when it came to the birth. He had your hospital bags packed way before they needed to and when your waters had broken, he got you to the hospital quickly. All he could do was grip your hand tightly as you pushed the baby out, finally getting to hold your baby girl. Chris wrapped his arm around you, protectively holding your family together. He was a proud father and an even prouder partner.

Emma Dixon.


It wasn't surprising to you to discover that Cal was definitely not ready when your waters broke. He panicked, big time. Running around the flat, screaming, trying to find everything for the hospital. Once you'd finally arrived, your baby came out pretty fast and Cal was still in shock. He held his son close to him, grinning every time you baby made a cute noise. 'I'm a dad' he kept repeating to himself. And a bloody good one he was too.

Lucas Airey.


Your baby daughter was the double of you, but amazingly had Callum's mesmerising eyes. When he first held his daughter, his face lit up. You'd never seen him so happy.
You had woken up from a well deserved rest and found Callum asleep on the armchair beside you, with your baby asleep on his chest. It made you smile happily. Lux seemed to be taking to fatherhood well.

Ella McGinley


You never really knew quite how happy Lewis made you. You had both been through so much and now he was here, cradling a baby that wasn't even his. You had gotten together, you were already a couple of months pregnant after years of friendship. He didn't care that the baby wasn't his, he had chose to stay with you and raise the baby as his own. He loved your son...his son. He cherished him as if he was biologically his own child, but none of that mattered once Lewis officially adopted him. Now he was his dad.

Thomas Redman.

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