The Morning After

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Alex P.O.V.
"Owww. Why does my head hurt so bad. I must've really abused that open bar. Wait are we married. Oh god I don't remember our ceremony-" Jo said
"Thats because we didn't have one." I answered
"Wait we didn't. So we aren't married?"
"We are not. But we will be in a couple of months. I had the whole thing rescheduled. And next time don't get drunk and run away because of a milkshake."
"Oh my god. You must hate me."
"I don't hate you. Just the exact opposite actually. I love you."
"I ruined out wedding. How could you still love me and still want to get married?"
"Truth be told I was freaking out to so I bought us a year to not freak out."
"You are the best, you know?"
"I've been told. C'mon you have work to do."
"Crap. I'm hungover, still engaged and I have work. This day has lasted 15 minutes and it already sucks."
"Well I know something to make it feel better..." I said with a devious smirk.
"Do you?" She said with the same smirk.
"Yeah getting your ass out of bed and sobering up with a homemade omelet by yours truly."
"Damnit I thought I was going to get laid."
"Yeah, yeah, yeah later tonight you might get lucky,"
"Oh shut up we both know whats going to happen."
"Good. I feel like we are at the beginning of our relationship again."
"What do you mean?"
"You. Holding off on sex for like a whole week. By the way why did you do that?"
"Your friend just died! I thought that was a good enough reason. And I didn't want you to be some girl I had sex with in the on-call room and then ignore the fact that you existed until you paged me to the on-call room again."
"Wow you really were a douche before you knew me."
"Yep. Now get up."
"You are being kind of a douche now too."
"Nope. I'm just being a supportive boyfriend who doesn't want you to get fired because you want some sloppy seconds."
"I hate you, Alex Karev. I used to be so careful on who I let into my life. And now I am marrying some bastard who won't have sex with me."
"Hey I have sex with you all the time! Mind-blowingly good sex. So don't complain."
"You are being dramatic the sex isn't that good."
"Really?" I say as I raise an eyebrow.
"Fine. It's amazing its the best I've ever had in my life."
"Whats that again. I couldn't here you." I say as I mock her.
"What happened to my omelet, asshole."
"Nope. No omelet till you say it loud and proud."
"What do you want me to do? Yell that my fiancé is a sex god and 5 am."
"Yep that'll do."
"Thank you." I say with a smile.
"Hey it takes two to tango."
"I never doubted that you were bad.So I don't have to say it."
"No, no, no. It doesn't work that way. I can hold off on sex too, you know. And I can wait a loonnngggg time."
Just the thought of having to wait again scared me.
"Yes very much so. Now make me an omelet."

After the "Affair" ~Jolex~Where stories live. Discover now