Chapter Six

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                                                  Paige's POV

  I turned back around and ran towards home. I ran up my porch and looked at the time '3:42' so I walked in the front door.

  "Paige, where have you been?" Mom asked.

  "None of your biz, let's get these two weeks over with!"

  "actually I called and got it down to only a week and a half!"

  "Wow." I said being lackadaisical.

  "Paige, just get your stuff and let's go."

  "Whatever." I ran upstairs and grabbed my stuff, then I ran back downstairs and into the car.

  The drive was really boring, mom never talked. The drive was actually really short, thank God, when you're listening to music and texting Zack.

  "What was tht back there?-Zack"

   "Something I had to do-Paige"

  "Oh, thank you."

  "Hey, brb."

  We finally showed up at the nut house. Some guys came out to greet us and took my stuff.

  "Hey I'm back."


  "Okay, Paige, I'll see you in a week and a half." Mom started crying.

  "Oh save it mom, you're the bitch that put me in here so don't act like you're all sad!"

 Before she could say anything to that someone came to talk to me.

  "All electronics in the bag, you will get them back when you out." She said in a snobby French accent. I quickly texted Zack.

  "See you in 1 1/2 weeks. <3" I put my phone and my MP3 player into th bag.

  "What?" I saw my phone light up in the bag from Zack texting me back.

  "Righta this way." I hate French accents now "Your counsler will be a minute."

  I sat down on an uncomfortable bed and looked around at what appears to be my new room. The walls were dull white with some writing on them, same as the floors. I had one chair with a small table in front of it. This week and a half is going to suck ass. Just then some girl walked in.

  "Hello, my name is Mrs. Michaels. Would you prefer to call me Linda?"

  "I really don't care."

  "Okay, what would you like me to call you?"

  "Paige?" She's really annoying.

  "Okay Paige, I have some questions."

  "Go for it."

  "What's your full name?"

  "Paige Mackenzie Hyland."

  "How old are you?"


  "What happened to your hand?"

  "I punched a wall."

  "Do you like hurting yourself?"

  "Excuse me?"

  "Sorry that was a little up front." She chuckled.

  "Well, I do it because that kind of pain takes my mind off of my emotional pain."

  "I see, well do you know why you have emotional pain?"

  "I was bullied for two years, and I," I started to get some tears thinking about Zack and Chloe again.

  "You what?"

  "My bestfriend Chloe and my Ex- Boyfriend, they um- Zack cheated on me."

  "Can you tell me about Zack?"

  "Well he was the only thing that made me happy, he made me feel complete. He made me feel like I was worth something, like I had a purpose in this world."

  "Okay, now tell me about Chloe?"

  "Chloe has been my bestfriend since we were two or three, we danced together. We called eachother our twinnies because we looked somewhat alike. We did everything together, we danced together, we became famous together, we went everywhere together, we hung out all the time. A year ago if you would of told me that I would hate her in a year I would of just laughed, I thought we would always be insperatable."

  "Now tell me some of the things you didn't like about Chloe?"

  "Well she is always the star of everything, she always has to be in the middle of the spotlight. Everybody has to love Chloe, sometimes they forget about Paige. People see me as Chloe's sidekick. Every time I get something great she always ends up with it."

  "Okay, did Chloe hurt somebody, besides you, in the process?"

  "Yeah her boyfriend, my brother, Josh."

  "How did Chloe dating your brother Josh make you feel?"

  "At first I hated the thought of it, and I guess I still kind of do."

  "Okay that's all today, thank you. You are free to do whatever you feel like." 

  Geesh, that was a lot of questions. I walked out of my room and into another that had kids in it, they all looked around my age. I felt a tap on my shoulder and I turned around. I saw a girl about three inches shorter than me and looked a bit younger.

  "Hey, you're new."

  "Um  yeah?"

  "Names Addie, what's yours?"

  "Paige, but call me Mack."

  "Hey Mack." Another voice said "I'm Darren." I turned and saw a boy, same age as me maybe, with sandy brown hair and bright blue eyes.


  "Come play a game with me? Addie you come too?"

  "Yes we will!" Addie said.

  We sat down at a table and Darren got up and got a game. He brought back the game of life. I rolled first and I picked the path of College, Darren picked College, and Addie picked Career. We played for a while then we finished. Addie got up and left and so did a few other kids in the room. Now it's just me, Darren, and two other kids.

  "So Mack, how old are you?"

  "Sixteen, and you?"

  "Same, when's your birthday?"

  "November first, you?"

  "Decmeber twenty Fifth."

  "Christmas? That's so cool. So you're turning Seventeen?"

  "Yeah, so do you have a boyfriend?" I thought about it.

  "I don't know, I guess it's complicated. Do you have a girlfriend?"

  "No. What's his name?"


  "How old is he?"

  "Seventeen but he's almost eighteen."

  "Oh, that's cool. When do you leave here?"

  "A week and a half, what about you?"

  "Tomorrow." I saw a sad look in his eyes.

  "That sucks, I mean it's great that you're getting out of here but it sucks because I like talking to you."

  "Well I better get going to sleep because I have a big day tomorrow, goodnight Mack."

  "Goodnight, Darren." I got up and went to my room also. I sat in me bed thinking about Zack, I soon fell asleep.

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