Chapter Nine

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Paige's POV  

"Hello?" A soft, comforting voice asked.

"Hey, Darren?" I ask.

"This is him. Who is this?"

"It's me, Paige."

"Oh, hey what's up?"

"I just wanted to talk to you."

"Are you crying?"

"Maybe just a little."

"What's wrong? Are you okay?"

I told him everything about what happened with Zack and I over the passed few days.

"Paige, you need to do what your heart is telling you to do." 

I held my breath thinking, then let it out. "Come pick me up."

"Um okay! Where do you live?" 

"In White Ridge."

"Really? I live in Delgado Hills, about twenty minutes away!" He sounded excited "what's your address?"

"8899 Quail Street."

"Be there in twenty!"

"Bye, Darren."

"See you soon."

I got off my bed and went into my closet to get some clothes. I picked out a green and white stripped shirt with a pair of regular skinny jeans with a bright green belt and a pair of black flats. I curled my hair and walked downstairs as I heard the doorbell ring. No body was home so I took my time to walk down the stairs. Dad was with Josh at hockey and Brooke and mom were at the doctor, no one would be home for a few more hours.

"Hey, Paige!" He had a big bouquet of daisies and a smile that went from ear to ear.

"Aw, you really didn't have to!"

"No, but I wanted to." He leaned in and kisses my cheek softly.

"You're too sweet!"

"Where would you like me to take you?"

"Anywhere but here."

"Okay, come one." 

"Where are we going?" I asked as we drove for a little while.

"You'll see."

We drove for about a half an hour, we parked in what seemed to an empty area. The place was pretty, all I saw was trees and more trees.

"So, where are we?"

"Hummm, close your eyes."

"Are you serious?"

"Close em!"

"Okay, he's serious!" He let out a little chuckle.

He came to my side of the car and helped me out, he grabbed my hand and guided me.

"Where are we?" I asked again. 

"We are almost there, just have patience."

After about ten minutes of walking without speaking, he spoke to me.

"We're here, you can open your eyes now."

I slowly opened them, I looked around and saw lots of trees and pretty flowers and a lake that was beautiful.

"It's... It's..."

"Amazing." He whispered. "I brought this for us to sit on." He pulled out a blanket and set it down on the grass. We settled down onto the blanket..

"What is this place?" I asked again.

"It's where I come to think, I don't really care for the lake. I just come here for the scenery, the tall green trees and the colorful flowers really calm me down when I'm upset." He gave me a look that said 'You get it?' I thought about it for a minute then I remembered, he's just like me.

"I don't have a place to think or calm me down, I just usually-" I thought for a second but I said it "Cut myself." He said it at the same time as I did. Whoa.

"Wait, you do to?" I asked a bit surprised, I thought he would think I'm crazy.

"Do these answer your question?" He said as he pulled up his sleeve and showed me all of his scars.

"Wow." I said in amazement.

"Show me yours."


"I said show me yours!" He had a frustrating look on his face.

"Why are you so angry?"

"I need to know if you're like me, I need to know I I can trust you."

I pulled up my sleeve. I looked at my arm too, I started to get angry at myself.

"No need to be ashamed, I know the feelings you get. When you feel like everybody is after you to make your life a living hell, and most of the time they're successful. When you feel like you have no use in this world, you think everybody would do so much better if you weren't here to get in everyone's way. When you feel so empty inside that you think no one in this world could possibly understand what you're going through or would think your crazy and mental. Yeah I get those feelings too."

"Darren, I'm so sorry you have experienced that."



"I think you ought to know that you're going through the exact same thing! See this?" He grabbed my wrist "that's why you have these scars! The good thing is that the physical cuts will heal into scars. The bad thing is that the emotional cuts are to horrible, to deep to ever heel into a scar."

I let a few tears slip from my eyes.

"I-I," my bottom lip kept quivering "I never thought of it that way."

"That's why people cut, that's why I cut, and that's why you cut. Even though nobody should ever cut themselves, people still do it. I wish no body had to go through any thing so horrible that they feel like they have to hurt themselves to make them feel better, I wish I didn't hurt myself. It's stupid, I don't get it, but everyday I still find myself doing it again. I guess you can't force some one to stop, you just have to let them know that you are there for them and you care for them."

"Thank you, Darren."

"For what?"

"For explaining my pain, our pain, to me."

"We can always share our pain, whenever you need me I'm here for you, always."

"I'd like that." I let out a little giggle.

Darren wiped the tears from my face and pushed my hair back. He gently stroked my moist cheek with his hand, he carefully grabbed my face and leaned closer to me. Our lips crashed together, I knew then what I was going to say to Zack.


Guys, I just wanted to tell you that cutting is really bad. No one should have to do that, everyone is beautiful and perfect in their own way! I'm only using it in my story to show the vulnerable side of Paige, even though she would never do this is real life!

Be Mine (SECOND BOOK TO: I love you, Paige Hyland)Where stories live. Discover now