Chapter Seven

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                                                         Zack's POV

  See you in two weeks? What's that supposed to mean? I have tried to text and call Paige but she doesn't answer. I need to know if she forgave me because I'm pretty sure she did or at least I think she did. I don't know, did she? That kiss felt like she did. I really hope she did. Since she's not answering I'm just going to have to talk to her face to face.

  I walked to her house. I wish the walk was shorter so I could see her faster but unfortunately it's not. I walked up her porch and knocked on the door. Brooke answered, she was in her pajama's and she was chewing gum.

  "What do you want?"

  "To talk to Paige."

  "She's not home." She was chewing her gum loud, her lips smacking.

  "Where is she?"

  "At a hospital."

  "What kind of hospital?" I'm so confused right now.

  "A mental hospital, you Dip wad!"

  "What!?" Is she serious right now? "For how long?"

  "For like nine more days."

  "Um okay, thanks?"

  "Yeah." She shut the door.

  A mental hospital? What? Paige in a hospital? Why? Oh, wait, I know why. Wow, I'm dumb sometimes. It really hurts to know that she is in the hospital because of me! How can I be so stupid?

                                          Paige's POV

  I woke up this morning a little bit confused, at first I forgot where I was. As I looked around the room it all came back to me quickly. After a while of just laying down and thinking to my self I got out of bed and walked to the game room. I found Addie sitting down watching TV, I walked and sat down next to her. She gave me a nod and I nodded back. We had an awkward silence.

  It didn't take to long for the silence to end.

  "Hey guys!" Darren greeted us as he walked into the room.

  "Darren!" Addie jumped onto him giving him a big hug.

  "Hey, Mack!"

  "Hey." I was a little shy.

  "Well, I'm leaving in about twenty minutes." He said giving a little sad face.

  "Only twenty minutes left?" Addie's face dropped from an energetic smile to a lonely frown.

  "Yeah, but we still have time for one more game!" He gave a little fake smile to try and enlighten the room "Mack, you in?"

  "Yeah." I got up and walked over to the table we were going to sit at.

  We played the game 'Clue'. It was really fun and I was in the lead. I could see the way Addie looked at Darren and the way her eyes light up when he looked back at her, it kind of reminded me of the way I looked at Zack. I felt bad when a guy came in and told Darren it was time for him to go. When Darren got up Addie's eyes went dull, like the color was flushed out. It looked like Addie was lost and maybe she was. Darren wrapped his arms around Addie and squeezed her tightly, he looked really sad too.

  "You were a really great friend, Addie." I saw Addie flinch when Darren said the word 'friend'.

  "Yeah, you have been too." I could tell she was holding back tears. Darren walked over to me, but before he gave me a hug he pulled something out of his pocket, a piece of paper. He handed me the paper and gave me a hug.

  "Goodbye Paige, it was nice meeting you!" Darren said as he released me from his hug "Goodbye, Addie. Goodbye to everyone." He walked out of the room.

  "I have to go." Addie said as she left the room. I was the only one left in the game room besides a few other kids.

  Later, I went into my room after dinner and teen talk. Teen talk is where every kid gets in a circle and say things about ourselves and the other kids get to ask you questions, it's really boring but at the same time it's nice to know that you aren't the only one going through the things you are.

  I laid down on my bed and pulled out that note that Darren gave to me earlier.

  Call or text me anytime if you ever need anything,


                   Love, Darren.

  Hm, his number? That's a little weird, don't you think? I might think about calling him when I get home. He was pretty cute.

  The next few days went by pretty damn quick, next thing I knew I was finally getting out. After spending that week and half here I think I do feel a little bit better, it feels really good when you can finally tell people the feelings you have been holding back for a long time. I grabbed my suitcase, cell phone, and my MP3 player and walked down stairs to the room where I was checked in. I saw my mom as I walked into the room, she instantly ran up to me and gave me a hug. I actually hugged her back and it surprised her, and it kind of surprised me as well.

  "Well, I have to sign some papers so you can just go sit in the car."

  "Kay." I grabbed my one suitcase and walked outside.

  The outside wind hit my face hard, it was amazing. The cold sent shivers down my whole body, I forgot it was December! I took a deep breath in, letting myself get used to the air, and let it out seeing my white breath just ahead of me. I closed my eyes as I felt my arms, which were full of Goosebumps, and I wished I had a jacket right then.

  "Here, take this." A voice said.

  I quickly reopened my eyes. As my eyes refocused on the world around me I saw a face. I couldn't help but smile and a joyful laughter found itself a way out of my mouth. It was Zack. It was Zack holding his jacket out for me to wear. I didn't say anything, I just wrapped my arms around his neck. He pulled his head back and smiled.


  "Yes Zack?"

  "Please promise me one thing, be mine forever?"

  "Promise me one thing, love me and ONLY me forever?"

  "You have a deal!" A big smile grew upon Zack's face and I let out a little laugh, he leaned in and kissed me.

  "Um Paige? You have school tomorrow so lets go!" Mom walked out of the place.

  "Right. Um, see you tomorrow?"

  "Sure thing." I pulled Zack in for another quick hug and ran to the car.

  Now I have to figure out an excuse to tell everyone tomorrow at school why I was gone so long, AGAIN!

Be Mine (SECOND BOOK TO: I love you, Paige Hyland)Where stories live. Discover now