Chapter Five

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                                                     Paige's POV

God damn this hurts, this hurts, this hurts!

  "Paige Hyland?" A nurse came and asked "Weren't you in here a few weeks ago?"

  "Sadly yes."

  "Alright come this way into this room." We walked into a room "Alright so what seems to be bothering you?"

  "My hand." I said in pain.

  "Alright what did you do to it?"

  I looked at my mom who was waiting to hear the story as well. I took in a deep breath.

  "I... Punched a wall."

  "YOU DID WHAT PAIGE?" Mom yelled.

  "I see, okay lets do some x-rays. I'll be back."

  I looked at my mom and gave her a fake smile with a shoulder shrug.

  "Did you say you punched a wall!?"


  "Paige, what are we going to do with you?"

  "Um, I don't know?"

  "Your father and I have been talking an-"

  "Okay Mrs. Hyland please step outside while I take x-rays." The doctor interrupted mom.

  They took X-Rays.

  "As I was saying before, your father and I have been talking and we think it would be best for you to maybe spend a few days in a hospital."

  "A hospital? What kind of hospital?"

  "A hospital to make you better."

  "You think I'm crazy?"

  "No not at all it's just-"

  "It's just what!? Why do you want me to go to a mental hospital!?"

  "Because Paige we want you to get better!"

  "Better from what!?"

  "Do you not see what you have done in the past two weeks? You have cut yourself, suicidal thoughts, Depression, and you punched a wall! Anger issues!"

  "I'm sorry!"

  "I know but you're going!"

  "NO I'm n-"

  "Okay the X-Rays are in!" The doctor said "Are you okay Paige?" I was in tears because of what mom just said.

  "I um- I'm just in pain."

  "And I think I know why, Paige you seemed to have broken your last metacarpal and your bottom two carpels."

  "What? English please!"

  "Paige! Be respectful!" Mom said.

  "It's your hand bones." He said laughing.

  "You gotta be shitting me!" 

  "Paige! I'm sorry for her language doctor!"

  "It's okay! I want you guys to see Dr. Jarrel tomorrow at 5:30."

  "Sure thing!"

  With that we left home.

  "I can't believe you broke your hand."

  "I can't believe you're sending me to a crazy place!"

  "It's for your own good!"

  "When do I leave?"

Be Mine (SECOND BOOK TO: I love you, Paige Hyland)Where stories live. Discover now