Chapter Fifteen

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                        Paige's POV

  Okay, what could he of gotten me? A square box... Hmmm..

  I was snapped out of my thoughts. "What's that Paige honey?" Mom asked.

  "I um have no clue." I tried to hide my smile.

  "Oh, who is it from?"

  "Um, Maddie." If she knew it was from Zack she would freak.

  "Well, are you going to open it?"



  "I'm gonna go up to my room."


  I slowly walked up to my room, opened up my door and quietly closed it. I hopped on my bed and started to unwrap the mystery box. It was some kind of book? I studied it carefully, realizing I opened it backwards, I flipped the book over and saw stickers. The stickers spelled out I love you, Paige Hyland. I flipped to the first Page and saw the letter he had sent me. How did he get that back? I flipped to the next page and saw some pictures of us, Chloe must of taken them. A picture of Zack asking me to go to the dance with him, that brought a smile to my face. Our first kiss. I flipped through some more pages. A picture of us I took at the movies. There was a lot of pictures. I will have to ask him if Chloe took most of them.

  "Hello?" I heard Zack's voice.

  "Hey." I said with a smile.



  "Oh, h-hey. Why did you call?" There's that stutter.

  "Why are you nervous?"

  "What d-do you mean?"

  "You only stutter when you're nervous."

  "Well I-I- It's just y-you never call me first."

  "I called you first all the time."

  "Only when we were dating."

  "Well, I just wanted to thank you for my gift." I said proudly.

  "Oh, you're w-welcome."

  "I think it's cute when you stutter."



  "W-well, do you want t-to hang out later?"

  "Yes! When and where?"

  "C-cool and do you want to hang out at t-the mall? At like f-five?"

  "That would be great, see you in an hour."

  "Okay, bye."

  Why was I so happy? I don't get it. Nerves. Butterflies. Everything when I think of Zack.

  I hopped into the shower, a hot steaming shower. It helped me relax a little bit. When I was done I walked into my room and found something to wear. Hot pink shirt with blue skinny jeans and black converse. Easy as that. I applied makeup. Eyeliner, mascara, a little bit of blush, and lip gloss. Easy.

  Dink. I heard a sound come from my window. Dink. Another. I walked over to my window and opened it. Tink. A different sound because it didn't hit the window.

  "Ouch!" I yelled at the pain. A rock had hit my forehead.

  "Oh my gosh! I-I'm so sorry!" I looked down to see Zack. I instantly started laughing. "Are y-you okay?" He sounded worried.

Be Mine (SECOND BOOK TO: I love you, Paige Hyland)Where stories live. Discover now