I finally got my body to get up and go to school with my 2 other siblings today. They both had their bunch of friends so i was pretty much alone.
"i miss seeing you in school." he said.
"yeah okay." i just shrugged him off.
"no,i'm being serious. i miss seeing you there."
"you see me every other day right here,at this spot so why even bother?" he opened his mouth to speak but nothing came out. I smiled. "nice seeing you though." i said getting my stuff before walking off.
And here i am,in this stupid school looking for that boy because he claimed he missed seeing me around and yet i dont see him around.
"fucking asshole doesnt keep to his promises." i murmured as I walked to my locker,
"who?" my sister's voice startled me.
"fucking hell" i cursed. "no one." i said opening my locker. Same old shit in it.
"pretty sure its a he." she smirked and nudged me.
"cant i have a guy friend without you guys thinking he's my boyfriend?"
"you make it sound like he is." she shrugged.
"well maybe he is." i smiled sarcastically to fulfill her needs.
"who is what?" his voice spoke up. I turned to look at him and so did my sister.
"holy shit." she cursed under her breath.
"hey." he smiled to her.
"hi. i'll see you later!" she said walking away.
"why does it seem like you both know each other?" i asked confused.
"maybe she's seen me in her past life?" he joked. I just rolled my eyes at him. "what!"
"you're very lame have i told you that?" i said shaking my head and walking to class.
"you just did." he said walking next to me. The walk to class was just,quiet.
I think I saw you in my sleep,darling. (Ashton Irwin Fanfic)
Genç Kurguthis book just confuses alot of people so unless you're curious or like really confusing stories then read this or not i cant force u also I wrote this when I was like 14/15 pls stop giving me shit about this lol I sucked back then ok ok cool thanks...