Chapter 10: Fear of the Unknown

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8th September, 2016

I love the following hadith with all my heart. Reflect on this hadith and remember no request you have is too much for Allah. It may seem big, but to Allah, it is absolutely easy for Him to grant it to you by His Grace. Call upon Him and he will respond to you <3 Here we go:

"O my servants, were the first of you and the last of you, the human of you and the jinn of you, to rise up in one place and make a request of me, and were I to give everyone what he requested, that would not decrease what I have any more than a needle would decrease the sea if put into it."

[Sahih Muslim]

Chapter 10:

Fear of the Unknown

It's funny how we live

As we cling on to the little things

That aren't meant for us at all

And in the end, the attachment stings.

I'll admit that I was a silly girl

Who pretended she knew the puzzle

As if I had all control

But this is not how you roll.

My heart told me I was in love

My mind did not repulse

It was a sweet concept

No one told me it bore fruits of heartbreak.

And so, I've concluded

What I thought was love

Was but a figment of my imagination

A picture that I'd created and adored.

Visualisation laced with overthinking

A fantasy world marred with my dreams

This is not how it's done

Creating a life on foundations easily broken.

You must dream, yes

You must believe, of course

But you mustn't over think

You shouldn't obsess with ideas you have no clear signs.

Because it's time you understand

What you think is right

May be a combination of lies

A destination that isn't what you imagine.

And what you may not have planned

Is what could be best for you

Because your Rabb is The Controller

And oh what a great Trustee He is.

I will continue to dream

I will continue to believe in love

You can't bury the dreamer in me

You can't leash my dreams.

But this time around, I'm going to be wise

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