Chapter 36: Are you serious?

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23rd Jan, 2018

Wow Subhan Allah! It's been a while and I've missed doing this, updating a chapter and hitting the publish option. As some of you already know, I had been on a holiday alhamdulilah and when I returned, all the pending college work decided to crush me under it. And while that's still there, this is me updating at almost 3 a.m. solely because I read the previous chapter and couldn't resist your pleaseeeee update comments... (You can thank me later if you do like this chap :p) so yeah that's my story lol. I hope you have something more interesting and less stressful going on in your life in sha Allah, may Allah ease all your affairs my beautiful readers <3

On a side note, if you want a fairy tale perfect romance, you can check out my other works. I'm saying this because if you choose to read Bowled Over by the Broken, be ready for a lot of chaos, drama, tears and reality in short. You've been warned! :D Happy reading <3

"Indeed, Allah will not change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves. And when Allah intends for a people ill, there is no repelling it. And there is not for them besides Him any patron."

Surah Ar Rad

Chapter 36:

Are you serious?

"Since the two of you have been married for a month now, we should probably play something where we test how much Shamaaz has learnt about our Anabya in this time," Tammara grinned, having served the last of the desserts to the Aunties before joining her cousins.

Little Humayra's birth had served as the perfect excuse for all the families to meet and as most of her cousins assembled together after dinner, including Zia, his wife, Raiyyan, Tam, Furqaan, Aamina and a few others, Anabya travelled back to the time when she was still single and she'd wait for such all cousins meet up, for they always used to be so much fun. Today, however, she wasn't really sure about it. So long, her cousins had been one entity while Shamaaz was another part, so she didn't really know what to expect when the two overlapped, especially now with Tam's suggestion that put her in the limelight.

"Well, no, thank you," she was quick to respond. "I'd rather you don't put him through such tests."

Because truth be told, Shamaaz didn't know much about Anabya. She'd still been so reserved to him that when she thought about it, they hardly ever spoke about deeper things about their lives. Their childhood, their school life, their aims back then, their pet peeves, their hobbies, their dreams, their aspirations, their expectations out of each other – one month had gone and while they had managed to already argue and fight in this time, they'd never even considered discussing such topics.

"Why not? It's also a nice way for Shamaaz to get to know you," Zia shrugged, enjoying her discomfort for he thought she was being shy.

"Zia Bhai, he's new to the family right? Why just me, he can get to know all of us!" Anabya suggested, carefully shifting the focus away from her.

"Alright, if you insist," Zia responded, "I have the perfect idea!"

"I don't understand from where you get such ideas, everytime we meet, you have things planned," Furqaan said.

"You didn't even listen to what I've planned for today," Zia pointed out.

"I hope it's not one of your horror stories, Zia," Raiyyan pitched in. "The ones that make us gag and are a scam in the name of horror."

"Remember the doll one?" Furqaan laughed, giving Raiyyan a high five.

Rolling his eyes at them, Zia turned to Shamaaz. "Well, I hope you have a sense of humor unlike these boring guys sitting on either side of me."

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