July 10th, 2018
"He is God, the Creator, the Maker who shapes all forms and appearances! His [alone] are the attributes of perfection. All that is in the heavens and on earth extols His limitless glory: for He alone is almighty, truly wise!"[Qur'an]
Chapter 45:
Is This Worth It?
Anabya lifted her legs, and crossing them under her, she turned towards Sulaiman, who was lying down opposite to her, curled on a couch with his back to her.
She had come home the next day when like usual, there was no much work left at the in laws place and Tanzila was watching one of those overly dramatic dramas. Since Nikhat had gone to visit Tam and Furqaan was still at work, it was just Aamina and the kids at home. She had been quiet and lost the entire time here and when Sulaiman was being stubborn and demanded to be taken to the park although it was the peak time of Magrib and Aamina had strictly said no, Anabya had scolded him.
And now, she felt horrible for doing that.
Sighing, she got up and crossed the distance between her chair and the couch. Kneeling down, she lightly stroked his back and he stole a glance at her, made a grumpy face and turned away.
"Suwayman my baby," she whispered in his ear and he frowned.
"Please don't be upset with me, Phop is sorry for shouting at you," she said, kissing his cheek.
"I'm going to count till five and if Sulaiman doesn't forgive Phop and kiss her, she'll become upset and start crying," she said and closed her eyes as she started counting.
She had just finished when she felt little arms wrap around her neck as her baby nephew dropped a sloppy kiss on her cheek.
"My darling Sulaiman, I love you," she verbalized, her heart so full that she could cry while hugging her little baby.
"Bee Phop, don't be sad," he said and she didn't know why she was getting so emotional, or maybe she did know the reason and it was the pent up frustration of the previous day but her eyes welled up with tears listening to him.
Quickly blinking them back, she smiled at him and said, "I'm not sad anymore, Sulaiman. I'll take you to the park tomorrow in sha Allah, and we'll also get ice cream."
"And cookies?"
"Of course we'll get cookies too," she grinned.
"Yaayy!" He exclaimed and kissed his Phop once again and Anabya realized just how much she had missed these little joys of life, her mind travelling back to a time when she was still the daughter of this house, the time when she didn't have the responsibility of being a daughter in law.
"I see, Phop and nephew are friends again," Aamina smiled, coming to the living room as she handed a cup of hot coffee to Anabya and gave Sulaiman his glass of chocolate milk.
"Can't have him upset with me even for a few minutes," Anabya agreed, bending down and kissing his head as he gulped his drink and went on to retrieve his clay set, taking pleasure in making different shapes and coming up with a story of his own colorful imagination.
Sipping her coffee, Anabya yet again was lost in thoughts as she stroked Snowy, who cuddled by her side and purred in appreciation of her slave's massage from time to time.
She looked up upon being addressed, her train of thoughts finally reaching a destination where they still found themselves lost.

Bowled Over By The Broken
SpiritualNo matter how close you are to them, there are certain things you just don't say. No matter how lonely you feel, there are certain people you just don't befriend. No matter how much you've fallen, there's always a guy you shouldn't give your heart...