28th Jan, 2017
It's funny how some of you thought my previous chapter's title was directed towards you'll. LOL! You guys are on my favorite people's list, don't worry :* ;)
Those who avoid the major sins and immoralities, only [committing] slight ones. Indeed, your Lord is vast in forgiveness. He was most knowing of you when He produced you from the earth and when you were fetuses in the wombs of your mothers. So do not claim purity to yourselves (claiming you are righteous etc); He is most knowing of who fears Him.
[an-Najm 53:32]
Chapter: 16
Someone give him an award
"Done with the assignment?"
Anabya looked up at the first words she was addressed with upon entering class, and nodded.
"How long were you awake?" Sonia asked with a knowing smile.
"Is it written all over my face?" Bee questioned, making her way to the desk. "Slept at four," she added.
"Better than not sleeping the whole night, right?"
Anabya looked at her closely and it didn't look like she was talking about herself. Because unlike Bee, who had just put on the first hijab she found in reach over her Abaya, this girl's clothes, lipstick and eyeliner were on point, making it clear that she really wasn't someone who spent her night writing assignments.
There were two types of teachers. The first were the cool ones who asked for printed assignments. They earned the good side of 100 percent of the class, for a typed assignment meant Copy-Paste from professor Google.
And then, there were those who insisted on written assignments, earning a earful from most of the students for making them stay up the night and write stuff they hardly understood, only for the sake of marks. Well, it really didn't matter that these assignments were couple of months old because let's admit it, no matter how much time procrastinators have, they start and finish work the night before the deadline.
That was the case with most of the students as Anabya scanned her surroundings, some hurriedly scribbling last minute bibliographies from books they didn't even refer and others sleeping away to glory.
"Who stayed up the whole night?" Anabya finally asked.
"I was talking about them," Sonia grinned, pointing at a few girls sitting in the middle benches. "Obviously not me. My assignments were all done last weekend."
As Anabya opened her mount to compliment her organisation skills, Sonia winked, "Perks of having a boyfriend."
"He wrote your assignments?"
"Yes he did," She grinned, and walked ahead to occupy her seat.
"How unfair," Anabya mumbled to herself, dropping her head to the desk.
Why didn't she have a boyfriend?
Just kidding, cue the haraam police.
Her head resting on the desk, she was about to close her eyes when she saw a sheet of paper lying on the ground. Instinctively, she picked it up and read through it.
It read,
There are too many people I'd like to thank on the completion of this project, so many names that I can hardly fit in this paper.

Bowled Over By The Broken
SpiritualNo matter how close you are to them, there are certain things you just don't say. No matter how lonely you feel, there are certain people you just don't befriend. No matter how much you've fallen, there's always a guy you shouldn't give your heart...