7th April, 2016
Dedicated to @JuliRose1 for surprising me with a beautiful video she made for me. Thank you so much, I loved it alhamdulilah! bBrakAllahu feeki <3
(Refer external link to know what I'm talking about) ;)
"But perhaps you hate a thing and it is good for you; and perhaps you love a thing and it is bad for you. And Allah Knows, while you know not."
Chapter 4:
Shattering the broken
"I can't find it anywhere, Ma. Furqaan Bhai, where did you keep it? Why did you even keep my scarf in my wardrobe? When did you do it?"
"That day Aamina was trying out your scarf on her new dress, remember? Sulaiman was trying to grab it with his messy hands so she asked me to keep it in your drawer."
"So where is it now?" She questioned, pointing out to the wardrobe.
"I don't know where it went," Furqaan defended, putting on an innocent expression.
"Anabya, check for it in the right drawer on top, where can it go?" Her mother said from the kitchen.
"I don't know where it went but I literally checked everywhere," she sighed, scanning her wardrobe from top to bottom.
"Tammara always used to keep her drawer so neatly, what's this mess?" Her mother scolded, coming in to the room.
"It got messy now when I did the mistake of asking Furqaan Bhai to search for that hijab," she replied.
"Oh please! It was messy already! My wardrobe is the neatest of all in this house," he boasted.
"Maybe it is, but it's only because of Aamina Bhabhi. Have you forgotten those times when you were a bachelor and your room looked like a dungeon?"
"More like a fair, more things scattered outside than placed inside," her mother replied. "Let me look for that scarf now."
"No one values me in this house," Furqaan scowled while his mother and sister suppressed their grins.
As her mother rummaged through her wardrobe, keeping aside each pile and neatly looking inside for the missing piece, Anabya was about to proclaim the dinosaurs had stolen it when, giving her quite a smug look, her mother tossed the blue hijab to her.
"Woah magic," Anabya joked, impressed by her mother for being the solution to the problem of every missing article in the house.
"I've been searching for twenty minutes straight and you come in like a boss and throw it on my face!" Furqaan whistled. "I'm telling you! Mothers and wives have superpowers. Aamina does that too."
"Alhamdulilah, I at least found it. Alright, Furqaan Bhai, I'll get dressed in ten minutes tops and we'll leave."
"A second more than ten minutes and I'm leaving you."
"Yeah right," she said, and walked to the washroom.
Aamina had given Anabya an Abaya a few days back, saying she had bought it before Sulaiman was born and now it hardly fit her. It was a simple black Abaya with an umbrella cut, with a thin line of blue rhinestones in the hem of the sleeves. It was simple, the kind she could wear for work and not call for too much attention her way.
She didn't want to wear a plain hijab from the set of casual ones because she had just remembered of the blue scarf she had bought a year back to wear with a grand wedding dress. It had a lovely fall and the color matched the sleeves perfectly. And spending twenty minutes searching for it with Furqaan and her mother looked like it was worth it.

Bowled Over By The Broken
SpiritualNo matter how close you are to them, there are certain things you just don't say. No matter how lonely you feel, there are certain people you just don't befriend. No matter how much you've fallen, there's always a guy you shouldn't give your heart...