Chunin Exams: Part 5

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I woke up under a tree. How long was I out? Naruto was laying next me, sleeping.

I looked over. Sakura has really short hair. I gasp.

"S-Sasuke." I whisper.

There was purple smoke all around him. Black markings all over his body. He was using his sharingan. The look in his eyes was a cold blooded killer.

He had a sound ninja, with the the holes in his hands, pinned down.

That was it. Sasuke held up his kunai, ready to strike him. Possibly kill him. I quickly got up, not knowing Sakura was getting up too, but she sat back down.

I ran to him.

"Sasuke, wait!" I yelled.

I clung to his back. I was hugging him from behind.

"S-Sasuke, please. This isn't you. Stop. Don't kill anyone. Stop. Its not gonna do any better for you. Trust me, I know."

I felt arms wrap around me. I look up to find Sasuke hugging me back. His black marks were receding.

"I-Im sorry Kyoko. I thought I lost you." He hugged me tighter.

"Here, here. Have this. No fight. I surrender." a man with bandages around his face said.

The man grabbed his teammates, a girl and the guy, and left with his scroll sitting right in front of us.

Sasuke and I still stood there in each others arms. If anything, his hug tightened. After, it got dark so we just walked a little further and then set up camp again.

I made a few hand signs and then whispered, "Hamasaki."

My marks began to glow. I made a few short trees grow around us so we would know when someone was coming because the trees would snap.

We all got to our sleeping areas. Naruto was the first to fall asleep. Then it was Sakura who was sleeping on Sasuke's shoulder.

Sasuke slowly lifted her up and put her to the spot she was originally gonna sleep at. Not long after, I drifted off into a dreamless night.


I stayed up. Kyoko was asleep right next to me. I reached my hand out and pulled down her hood. She had a beautiful face that was shaded over by her hood. Her hair was brown and long. It went up to her lower waist.

She started mumbling in her sleep. That was one of the signs that showed she was about to scream and wake up.
The minute she shot up and opened her mouth, I covered it quickly but gently and pulled her to my chest.

"Shh, its okay. Your with me." Kyo calmed down and I let go of her mouth.

"I'm sorry. I know you hate this. I keep you up at night. I don't even see why you still bother to watch over me even though I'm just a bother." she was looking down at the grass while I was holding her.

We both fell asleep with her in my arms.


"I'll catch fish and Sasuke will cook it." Naruto said while pointing at Sasuke.
We all agreed and went off.

Sakura and I went to gather twigs and leaves for the fire.
(I know this is random but did I mention that Kyoko has her leaf headband around her forehead?) <(。_。)>

"So." Sakura said casually.


"You seem to be around Sasuke a lot."

"Um... Yeah." she had a strange look on her face.

"Oh." her expression changed to a know-it-all look.

"Do you like him?" her question shocked me.

"N-No." I hesitated. A smile played at her lips.

"Well then, that will make it easier for me to ask him out after the chunin exams." she got up and skipped away back to the camp area.

When we got there they were waiting with the fish at hand.

"What took so long?" Naruto spat.

"Shut up." Sasuke Sasuke defensively.

We heard a noise. From behind a tree,
Kabuto emerged.

All of us got out our kunais and got ready for battle.

"Please, I don't want to fight." Kabuto put his hands up in surrender.

I loosened up a bit but Sasuke only stiffened.

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