Chapter 1: The Morning Of

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I woke up earlier than usual this morning and laid in bed staring up at the ceiling, my neck was stiff and my head ached from the night before. That wouldn't be the first night I had trouble sleeping, maybe I just had too much on my mind.

I was excited to go back to redo our last year, but for the first time since we began at Hogwarts, I was nervous too. I know I have nothing to worry about but a million questions are still running through my head. Who would be back? would I make head girl? what would it be like now that Dumbledore is gone and McGonagall is taking over?... I guess that's what worries me most. That and the possibility of my secret being exposed.

While I was properly terrified at first, telling Harry felt like a huge weight lifted off my shoulders. The practical part of me knows that the rest of the wizarding world is not ready for that yet.

In an attempt to clear my mind, I hopped out of bed, pulling a vial of pepperup potion out of my trunk and tossing it back to get rid of the storm brewing in my head. I slid open my truck and began packing the few belongings I had brought with me to the burrow.

The burrow had become my temporary home since the war ended. Knowing what I do now, I couldn't bring myself to restore the memories of my parents, or rather, the people I called my parent for 17 long years. As much as I missed them, I also couldn't help but feel betrayed.

The burrow wasn't so bad, I had never had siblings growing up, so it was a comforting change. For the first time, I felt included, like I belonged in this big bustling family. I shared a room with Ginny, and while I occasionally craved some privacy, it was nice always having someone around. Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, albeit slightly unhinged, have been great parent figures for Harry and me. I continued to pack and my nerves slowly turned to excitement as Ginny appeared at our door to gather me for breakfast. Per usual, Ginny was awake with the sun and rearing to go.

"Oh, Mione! Good, you're up! Only a couple short hours and we'll be on our way there." She gushed grabbing my hand and pulling me out the door.

Since the battle of Hogwarts, the 7th-year students had been invited back to retake their former year and promised, save for a few small changes, that it would be the same Hogwarts they'd grown to love.

"Ginny calm down, I know you're excited, but it's still early and if you wake the boys up, they will kill you!" I hushed as I followed her down the stairs.

"Sorry, but they should be up already. I'm willing to bet neither of them has even started packing. Besides, I'm making your fav... Blueberry pancakes! Now that's something to be excited about." She wagged her finger at me over her shoulder as she strode back to the stove. Ginny made the world's best blueberry pancakes, which was no surprise, after all, she is the daughter of Molly Weasley. I grabbed the plates and cutlery to set the table, finishing just in time for the post to arrive. I grabbed the prophet from Errol and tossed him a treat, taking my seat at the table.

"You okay Mione? You've not been as excited as I thought you'd be about going back" Ginny was putting out feelers. I inwardly signed and opened the paper.

"I'm fine Ginny, things will just be different is all. Besides, I woke up with a horrid migraine. I promise you I am looking forward to this, hopefully, quiet year. I really am excited" I reassured her reading the first article on the cover.

"Excited for what?" Asked a very sleepy Harry, as he walked into the kitchen

"To go back of course, nosy," Ginny told him while she slid two pancakes onto my plate. Harry came to take a seat across from me in his navy t-shirt and red plaid boxer shorts followed closely by Ron in his grey PJ pants, white t-shirt and knit jumper. Ron pulled out the seat beside me, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

"I expect you're both packed and ready to go?"I asked, already knowing the answer. Harry groaned and Ron rolled his eyes. I smiled to myself, feeling some semblance of normalcy.

"Harry Dear, must you really not wear any pants?" Asked Mrs. Weasley as she walked in from the garden.

"Sorry Mrs. Weasley" Harry said digging into the food that was placed in front of him. "Blueberry pancakes! Gin you shouldn't have" Harry exclaimed practically inhaling his food.

"They aren't just for you, they're Hermione's favourite too." She said pointing her flipper at him and jokingly rolled her eyes. Once everyone had their food, discussion of the coming year began.

"My galleons are on Mione to make head girl this year" Ginny challenged

"That's not a fair bet Gin, this is Hermione we're talking about," Harry shook his head as he piled more pancakes into his mouth. Despite his silence on the subject, I have a sneaking suspicion he fancies Ginny. I'm not sure if it's the way he watches her or his general lack of distance, but I could sense tension in the air.

"I won't get my hopes up, but I certainly have earned it" Part of me knows that being invited back was a privilege and by making head girl, I would be taking that away from a 6th year who had also worked hard for it as she loved into her last year. Selfishly, I still wanted it.

I excused myself from the table and cleared my plate so I could gather my truck and the last few items for my beaded bag. Anxiety crept up my back as I realized it was 10:30. The Hogwarts Express departed the stations at exactly 11 o'clock. I hoisted my trunk up, eager to get a move on just as Harry arrived at my door.

"Ah, just the swot I was looking for," He joked and I smiled, raising me brow "You okay?" He asked leaning against my door frame, a hint of a smile on his lips. I took a deep breath. There was a double meaning to this question. In part, there was humour over the anxiety he knew I had about being late. Then, there was the part about my parents and my ability to cope.

"I'm not going to break down if that's what you're asking. I've been through too much to let this be the thing that breaks me. I hardly knew the bloke and what I did know was...well you know." I wheeled my trunk towards him, signalling that I wanted to get going.

"I know, I'm just checking in. I'm always here if you need me, now let me take that for you," He smiled and pulled me into a big bear hug before taking my trunk from my hand. I didn't like talking about this subject, it wasn't something I was proud of, in fact, I was quite ashamed of it. If it was anyone other than Harry, my reaction would be less than cordial. At the very least I knew he would always be on my side, which is why I told him in the first place. Since the war, I couldn't help but feel as though Harry and I were far closer than he and Ron or Ron and I.

"Where did you two escape off to?" Ron asked with an uncharacteristic sneer as Harry and I walked into the kitchen, Harry pulling our trunks behind him. What was with Ron lately? These days he reminded me more of Malfoy than himself. He was short with Harry, lacked patience around me and was definitely more cural than intended in most of his jokes. I looked over at Harry to find a smile plastered on his face. Clearly, he knew something I didn't. He stood our trunks up and walked over to Ron, patting him on the shoulder.

"We were just talking, Ronald," Harry said and winked at me. What was that all about? I would remind myself to ask him at a later date. Moments later Ginny walked in with her trunk in one hand and her favourite bag in the other. She was attached to that tote like I was to my beaded bag. She never went anywhere without it.

"Is everyone ready?" Mrs. Weasley asked coming in from the drive.

"Wouldn't want to be late now, would we?" Mr. Weasley announced from behind her. I took hold of my trunk and we individually apparated to Kings Cross Station. Ginny and I were the first to go through the portal to platform 9 3/4, waiting by the closest train entrance for the boys. We said our quick goodbyes to Mr. and Mrs. Weasley and boarded our usual compartment, settling in for the long journey back.

Thank you to all my wonderful readers for all of your love and support. Out of all the Dramione stories I've written, this one is by far my favourite! I hope you love it as much as I do, with all the plot twists and turns! Comment, vote and share your thoughts throughout! #Bepositive #Nohate

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