Chapter 3: How The Hell Did That Happen?

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*********Hermione's POV********

When the boats arrived at Hogwarts, Harry and Ron left to join the other students while I ushered each of the children to the shore, making sure everyone was accounted for. The castle appeared as though nothing had happened as I walked up those familiar stone steps to the great hall, a fact that was both comforting and unsettling. Through it all, it still felt like coming home. Professor Slughorn joined the first year students at the entrance and I walked to my seat at the Gryffindor table. McGonagall took the stand as the last few students filtered in. She welcomes the first years after a few brief announcements and the lot of them walked in the great hall with a look of both terror and wonder on their faces. We didn't wait long for the sorting ceremony to finish and McGonagall took to the stand once more to finish her speech.

"To all our new witches and wizards, welcome to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. To everyone else, welcome home." I heard before my mind started to wander.

I looked around the great hall to find steel grey eyes staring at me. We both looked away at the same time, embarrassed to have been caught. I zoned back in at what seemed to be the tail end of McGonagall's speech. "In order of recent events, I would like to give a moment of silence for those who fought and lost their lives in the Battle of Hogwarts." She said and everyone bowed their head for a moment in acknowledgment. "Thank you, and on to a happier note, I would like to congratulate this years head girl and boy, Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy" She said and there was a moment of silence followed by a rush of whispered and half-hearted applause, likely due to the selection of head boy. When everyone settled back down Mcgonnagal continued.

"These two students have just as much authority as any of your professors and should be treated as such. Now without further ado, the feast shall begin!" She said as the food appeared on the tables.

I was rather enjoying the feast and the conversation with all the friends I had missed. I was mid-conversation with Harry about a coffee shop we had found in muggle London when I was tapped on the shoulder. I turned around to see the first year from the train, Jordan, I think his name was. "Miss Hermione..." he said in a shaky voice once again, avoiding eye contact. "That isn't necessary Jordan, just Hermione will do" I told him, trying my best to make him feel comfortable. "What is it you need?" I ask him after a moment of awkward silence. "Professor McGonagall wanted me to inform you that you are to wait until the hall has cleared and then meet her at the doors to be shown to your new dormitory." He rushed out before scurrying away. Harry looked at me curiously.

"Why wouldn't McGonagall just tell you herself?" He asked and I shrugged

"Perhaps she just has a lot on her plate these days." I made the excuse but in truth, I didn't believe it, she was up to something.

"Would you like company while you wait? I s'pose it might be awkward sitting here alone with only Malfoy for company." He said scratching the back of his neck. I wasn't sure if he was just being friendly or if he was making an excuse for his nosiness.

"Sure, that would be lovely" I told him as I continued to eat. Not to anyone's surprise, Ron sat across from us all stuffing his gullet like a pig. I guess some things just never change.

"Ron, must you really be so vulgar?" Ginny chastised as if reading my mind.

"What?... There is nothing wrong with the way I eat" He defended. We all laughed and continued chatting until the hall started to empty. It felt like forever waiting for everyone to leave. Harry and I have been talking and laughing while we waited, seeming to pass the time a little quicker.

"Well I suppose that's our que," Harry said standing up and offering me his arm. "I used it to hoist myself up and off the bench. We walked arms linked to the door, where we were met with the cold sneer that could only come from one Draco Malfoy. What was his problem... whatever stick was shoved up his bum, best be removed quickly cause there was no way I was living with that. I wasn't about to let Draco Malfoy ruin my last year.

********DRACO'S POV***********

I noticed Granger get up to make her way to the door. I wasn't about to start off on a bad foot on my first day as head boy, so I got up to join her. I avoided looking in Grangers' direction, not wanting to be in another situation like the one on the train. I don't know what had come over me but I didn't intend on letting it happen again. As I approached them I gave Potter a well practiced sneer. I don't hate him as much as I let on, I think in another life we could have been mates but the odds of that happening now, were slim.

"Potter, is there a reason you're still here?" McGonagall asked as she approached us. "Sorry professor, I was just keeping Hermione company until the hall cleared," Potter defended. I saw right through him though, I saw the way he looked at her, the way every guy is looking at her this year. "Very well Potter, although I assure you Mr. Malfoy could have handled that task. Now you best be getting on, the curfew is shortly and no exception will be made." She told him and I tried my best not to snicker.

"Now Ms. Granger, Mr. Malfoy, I know it might come as a surprise to you both that I have paired you together, although I can assure you my reasonings are sound. You are my top students, and in light of... and despite," she paused looking at Malfoy. "Recent events, your peers look up to you both." She started walking and we followed her out of the great hall.

"In addition to this, we are on a search for house unity. Slytherin's and Gryffindor's have been rivals for most of Hogwart's history and I don't expect you to become best friends, but I do wish to create some peace and influence between households. Let me be very clear, I am not simply asking you to try and be friends, I am expecting you to really become friends. I have given you an adequate dormitory to host gatherings of friends from both houses and acquaint yourselves with one another. We have a big year ahead and many changes to come. I will need you both as we navigate through it." She finished as we approached a portrait of two lovers.

"Professor, I don't mean to be rude, but is this portrait really appropriate for this setting?" I asked, hoping I didn't offend her. Of all the portraits in hogwarts, why this.

*******HERMIONE'S POV******

What a git, has he no respect for fine art? It's just a painting and I am sure McGonagall had no intention when she picked it. "I happen to be quite fond of this painting Mr. Malfoy, I figured it would be best to display it somewhere it would get seen." She said raising a perfectly plucked eyebrow at him, daring him for a challenge.

"Professor, you haven't mentioned a password yet," I pointed out, hoping to move on from the topic.

"I have decided to leave that up to the two of you. It will be the first of many things you must agree on," she informed us, nodding her head and turning on her heels without another word. She disappeared down the hall and I turned my attention to Malfoy who refused to make eye contact with me.

"dans une autre vie," He said with finality. I wracked me brain for the meaning and when the answer came, it puzzeled me. Instead of protesting, I let it go, wanting the opportunity to pry.  I'm sure with a password like that, he would anticipate questions.

Suddenly the portrait swung open and I followed Malfoy through. Well, this should be an interesting night.

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