Hogsmeade and The Three Broomsticks

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WARNING: Mild sexual content


I kept my composure as walked to my room. Don't look back. Keep it together. I closed my eyes and let out a big sigh sinking against my door as I closed it behind me. I have 45 minutes until I have to meet the others downstairs. A million thoughts ran through my head and I could not form an answer to a single one. I fell back into one of the comfy chairs by my fireplace and closed my eyes, running over the last 10 minutes in my head.

If Draco was telling the truth, and I know he was, what changed that Harry suddenly no longer thought of me as his sister. He's supposed to be my best friend, a safe space and instead he's just as bad as every other wizard here. To some extent I understand that there is only so much he can control, when it comes to ogling,he's a man after all. Draco had said it himself earlier... at least that is what I'll tell myself.

Draco... my mind spun. Why would he have done that. Let me prove you wrong seems like a weak excuse. I had not expected him to do what he did when he said that and that nickname? I will admit, I kind of liked that nickname. No one else called me that, it was his thing...and he certainly did know what he was doing. I looked down at my bare thighs, a faint red mark still imprinted again my sink where his cold ring had dug into my flesh. I swallowed hard again, replaying it. Would it be so horrible of me to want to feel that again? Feel him beneath me again?

I looked to my clock again, 30 minutes. I gathered my towel and clothes and made my way to the shower. As conflicted as I was, I pulled out my wand and locked the door before turning on the scolding water and letting it soak my body. I breathed deeply, feeling my muscles relax and the tension start to dissipate.

I summoned my loofa and scrubbed the rough material against my skin and inhaling the scent of oat, chai and almond milk as the soap foamed against me. As my as I would have longed to indulge, I was on a time limit. I dried off, tossing my towel against the hook next to the shower. I decided on my good ol reliable, not to mention comfy, straight leg, medium wash jeans and an a long sleeve black t-shirt. It was simple, nothing fussy, just the way I liked it.

I was just about to do my hair when there was a knock on the door. "Ya?" I called and unlocked the door. Draco opened it and walked into the bathroom in his sweats. Godric he looked good in those and his body... I snapped myself out of it quickly realizing I was staring and mentally yelled at myself. "Can't take your eyes off me, can you," He said taking notice and teasing me as a blush I knew was coming appeared on my cheeks "I most certainly can, Malfoy, now what do you want?" I asked making sure to look at his face this time. "I want to take a shower" He said and shut the door behind him. "Okay well can't you wait 5 minutes and I'll be out?" I asked him, raising an eyebrow. "Nope, I don't really care if you're in here while I shower. You have already seen me naked so just carry on with your business." He said and I reluctantly went back to blow drying my hair as he undressed in the background. I tried not to look but I slipped a few times.

I shut off the blow dryer and plugged in my curling iron to turn my crazy mess into long waves. I didn't even notice Draco come up behind me until he was whispering in my ear. "Wanna join me?" He asked sending a shiver down my spine. "No Malfoy, I don't wanna join you" I told him turning my attention back to my hair as he mumbled 'your loss' and made his way to the shower, purposefully leaving the door open. I finished what I could of my hair and ran some tropical smelling finishing cream through it to make it soft and kill the frizz. Looking at myself I was relieved that my hair had somewhat tamed itself since the fifth-year frizzies. I was unplugging everything and putting it away as Malfoy walked out of the shower. His hair was wet and he hadn't put his towel on yet. I knew he was taunting me but I wasn't sure what he was trying to get out of all of this. He dried himself off shaking his hair out last and changing into dark wash jeans and a grey t-shirt. His hair was more of a dirty blond more than a bleach-blond this year and it made him look more mature and dare I say it, handsome.

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