Perfect As The Ocean

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******HERMIONE'S POV******

*Three and a half months later*

I woke up early again this morning, extremely hungry. I looked over to a sleeping Draco beside me and kissed him softly being careful not to wake him. I slipped out of bed and walked down the stairs slowly being careful not to slip and hurt the baby. When I was finally down, I walked into the kitchen and poured myself a nice cold glass of orange juice and took out some fruit to prepare. After eating and reading the morning paper, I cleaned up and walked out back to the beach. 

I always wanted to live on the beach, one day I will. I sat in the sand with my legs out in front of me, just high enough up that the water could still rush around my calves. I ran the coarse grains through my fingers and breathed in the salty-sweet ocean air. I have never seen anything as blue in my entire life, as the beautiful aqua coloured water glistening in the morning sun. I must have been out there for an hour when I left legs slide on either side of me and hands wrap around my extremely large belly. I put my hands over his and I could feel the baby kick. A smile spread across my face as his lips pressed against my neck. 

"Couldn't sleep?" He asked beneath the kiss. "No, I got hungry and I had to eat, then I decided to come out here for a while. Draco I love it here, it's so peaceful" I told him, leaning back against him. "We could live on the beach if you wanted to, after this," He said, looking out over the ocean. "Oh Draco, I would love that more than you could imagine!" I said turning to him. He laughed and got up, pulling my up with him and engulfing me in a hug. I couldn't help but be thankful that the only place I gained weight was my stomach. 

"Hey so, we still haven't picked a name for the baby" He said looking down at me. "How about Elena, Elena Amelia?" I asked him, secretly praying to Godric that he wouldn't shut it down. "That sounds like it was meant to be... Elena Amelia Malfoy" He repeated. "How about we got into town today and pick up a few things, clothes, toys, books, a high chair and pram maybe?" He offered. I nodded, knowing it would be the smart thing to do, considering a week from now we are supposed to have a baby.

We changed quickly and hopped in Draco's car, our first stop being the new Flourish and Blotts shop then opened just after the war. When we walked inside, that lady at the counter smiled and approached us. "Ministry baby?" She said looking at my belly. A slick feeling mixed in my stomach at the thought of it. "No, our baby. Now if you'll excuse us" I hear Draco say from beside me. I was both surprised and thankful he had been feeling the same way. We browsed the shelves, picking out several books we could ready the baby, most popularly, the tale of Beedle the Bard, next looking for a few books for ourselves. We settled on 'The baby book: Everything you need to know about your witches and wizards from birth to age two' and 'Babies 101'. We checked out please with our purchases and moved on to the next stores. By the time we were finished, we have at least 8 bags of baby essentials and another 8 bags of clothes. 

The cobblestone streets did a number on my back and feet, so by the time we got to the last shop, I felt as though I was going to collapse. I quickly looked around for the only things we were missing, a pram and a high chair. While I got to pick the colours, Draco insisted on picking the most expensive pieces, because 'his little girl needs the best'. I didn't argue because I wanted the best for her too. By the time we got to the cash, the two things we came in for, turned into 10 things we walked out with. I opened my purse, having put an extension charm on before we left and we tossed everything inside. It wasn't surprising that the moment we got home I fell right to sleep. 

*2 Hours later*

I woke up on the couch, my neck stiff from the pillow I was on. I sat up and looked around for Draco, hearing talking in the distance. I noticed a group of people sitting the then kitchen and got up to see who was here. To my surprise, it was Ron, Harry, Blaise, and Ginny. They seemed to be talking civilly, but I knew in reality, the chances of that were slim. "Hey, guys, what's going on?" I asked walking up to them. "Nothing really, Harry and Ron were just arguing that- " Draco started but stopped mid-sentence. "What?" I asked looking at Draco, frozen in his seat. "Mione... You didn't by chance spill something, did you?" Draco asked. I shook my head, confused and wondering why he would ask such a silly question. "Mione, I think your water broke!" Ginny yelled. I looked to the floor, to shocked to move, then suddenly everything was clean and everyone started moving in hyper-speed. Draco was freaking out, running through the house, trying to gather things together and Harry and Ron while Ginny tried to break them up. I knew what I was going to do as if it was as clear as glass. I walked over to the coat closet and grabbed the bag I had put together and the keys to my car. By the time I was in it and speeding off down the street towards the school, everyone must have finally gotten their heads straight, seeing two cars in my rearview mirror. I parked the car and got out calmly walking into the school and to the infirmary.

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