Games with the Devil

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It feels like a ton of bricks has been lifted off my chest now that I've talked to her about her secret. She didn't get mad like I thought she would and she was understanding. The movie was done and we were just laying there on the couch. Hermione fell asleep not long after it had finished and I was enjoying the feeling of her close to me, dozing off now and then myself. I looked over at the time in the corner of the tv and it read 2:25. Her friends would be arriving at any minute. I started to rub soft circles in her back until her eyes fluttered open, she really did have the most beautiful eyes. I'm not this type of mushy guy, but with her, it feels so right.

"Good afternoon beautiful," I said to her and she rested her hands and chin on my chest. She looked so beautiful as she smiled at me all sleepy. "I think I like waking up to your face," She said with a little blush and my chest fluttered. "I wish that happened more often," I told her truthfully. "But love, your friends are going to be arriving shortly if you wanna get up and ready, you have about 4 minutes," I told her and she moaned and sat up slowly before going to shut the tv off. She yawned a little, grabbing her clothes and tossing me mine before she started to walk to her room. "Where are you going, Granger?" I asked her a little confused as I put my sweat pants back on.

"I need to change into some decent clothes, I don't think I would feel comfortable just wearing these around my friends. She said gesturing to the sweat pants and tank top in her arms.  I thought for a moment and watched her swing her hips as she walked into the room. I was off the couch and beside her before she even knew what was going. I grabbed her waist from behind and set my lips next to her ear. "I don't think so Granger," I said in a husky voice and turned her around pulling her into my arms again. I ran my hands down her body grabbing her smooth ass before coming back and resting them on her waist. She tasted sweet, even after she pulled away her taste lingered on my lips. "You go change and be back quick, we are gonna have a little fun with them," I told her winking "Oh, by the way, I invited Blaise over too," I told her and smirked. Just as she was walking into her room there was a knock at the door. "Draco its Blaise, let me in" I heard and whispered the password not bothering to greet him at the door. "Hey Malfoy, how are things going?" He whispered to ensure no one but me heard. "So incredibly well, she's amazing Blaise, she may look innocent but she is a little minx and she really is quite adventurous," I told him looking at her closed door. Just then it opened and she came out in the same tight tank top she had on when she got out of the shower, only now had a knit sweater overtop and a pair of tight smooth black leggings that hugged her every curve. My mouth watered at the sight as she came over to us. "Blaise" she greeted as he pulled her into a hug. For some reason I got a pang of jealousy, I guess maybe it was just because I knew what Blaise was capable of and I wanted her all to myself. On the other hand, it was weird seeing them so easily become friends after years of hatred between them.

There was another knock at the portrait door. I looked at the clock, reading 2:35. Typical Gryffindors, always late... I kissed her quickly and gave her bum a little tap as she went to greet her friends.  She walked away purposely shaking her hips and tempting me, goddammit Granger. I looked down and booked it to the kitchen as she and Blaise laughed at me. 


I laughed as I walked to the door, Draco really needed to find a way to control that, it happened far too often... not that I'm complaining. I answered to door with a smile on my face still laughing. "Hey, guys," I said and pulled each of them into a hug. "Mione, is there any particular reason you're laughing?" Ginny asked, looking at me like I was mad.  I shook my head as she gave me her 'I know you're lying' look. "Bloody Hell Hermione, you're really living the high life in this place," Ron said and pulled me in for another hug. Just then Blaise and Draco walked over. Draco clearly calmed down but I couldn't help still giggling a little. Ginny pulled me aside then. "Hermione, I'm not blind, what in Godrics name is going on between you and Malfoy?" She asked and I couldn't control my blush. "Nothing Gin, he just said something funny before I came to the door and I had to laugh when I saw him" I told her and we joined the others once again.

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